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Tamiya Spray paints (and GW equivalents)

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Hi there,


Looking for some information regarding Tamiya spray paints:


Firstly, what GW colour (old/new) is closest to Tamiya TS32 Haze Grey - used it for my sons Carcharodons army which needs some touch-ups.


Secondly, what Tamiya Spray Paint is the closest to Ultramarine Blue (or whatever the current GW name is for the colour formerly known as Ultramarine Blue), as I'm looking to spray a UM Stormraven blue.


Finally, I'm looking to spray a second UM Stormraven grey (like the Istvaan campaign Invictus Land Raider, with a front and rear blue stripe). Think I want to go lighter than the Haze Grey, so looking at TS17 (Gloss Aluminum - what happened to the second 'i'?), TS76 (Mica Silver) and TS30 (Silver Leaf). From the AS range I like AS16 (Light Gray [sic]) and AS20 (Insignia White). The last choice might be too pale - anyone use it? Any idea of what the matching GW colour might be for these? 

Looking for some information regarding Tamiya spray paints:

I'd advise you to take either something you painted, or the paint bottle or spraying can in question, to a store so you can compare colours easily.


Gloss Aluminum - what happened to the second 'i'?

If you really want to know: the metal was initially named alumium, then changed to aluminum, and then to aluminium, but not everybody (*cough*USA*cough) bothered with the second change.


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