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Attack bike - Twin Linked Boltgun not in wargear? C:SM


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Simple Question. im joining tournament soon and i noticed when i was typing my armylist in Rulebook that in Bike section it says "Space marine attackbike has twin linked boltgun"


This does not appear in Codex Space marine.


Its not in wargear section either.


So may i use twin linked boltgun (that is in model for real) but not in wargear section of codex? (I remeber some talk that codex runs over rulebook... )


So should my attack bike wargear read like this

Power Armor, Frak & Krak Grenade, Bolt pistol, Twinlinked Boltgun and Heavy bolter?

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Space Marine Bike is listed under their wargear, and under the Space Marine Bike entry on page 100 of the Codex twin-linked bolters are listed. So there is no issue with you using them, as they are listed.


Edit - The Space Marine Bike being listed under their wargear rather than t-l bolters is an artefact of the edition the current C:SM is from (5E). I suspect the new (6E) C:SM will, when it comes out, follow the pattern set in C:CSM. C:DA and C:CD.


Edit 2 - You are correct though that under the apparent 6E pattern an Attack Bikes wargear should read -

  • Power armour
  • Bolt pistol
  • Twin-linked boltgun
  • Heavy bolter
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
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