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Csm armies doing well in uk tournies.

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Just been listening to the 40kuk podcast, and was interested to hear about two csm lists doing well at the battlefield birmingham tournie, one was csm with orks, running double dp one with mace, one with axe, three drakes, aegis with comms, cultists, ork warlord, two mobs of shoota boys and a group of lootas. Second list was csm with crons, lord on bike with mon and mace, plague marines, 15 nurgle spawn, mon havocs and oblits, necron jetbike lord thingy, warriors in fliers and a unit of wraiths. Was interested to hear about these, and thought you might be interested too.


Podcast is here, its the most recent episode.


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Basically they're both using the better parts of the CSM book (Helldrakes and resilient infantry) to shore up their ally... although, lets be fair, the second list reads more like they're just the anchor for the wraithwing and the night scythes, and we know that wraithwing and night scythes slaughters mucho.

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Yeah, I just thought it might be interesting to the forumites (and prove I'm not relentlessly pessimistic) the double dp/treble drake list is the same guy who came third at uk-gt heat three with csm (then he ran axelord in bikes, drakes oblits and mutilators as lone irritation drops) he does seem to be the UKs top csm player atm.
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I hate to be the one to ask, but what was really gained from the orks that we couldn't have gained from just more cultists? Unless the allies were mostly a way to get extra HQ choices to back up the blob squads.

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actually HQs tend to be severely overpriced and thus seldomly fielded at more than minimum.

Shooty Boyz are a very good unit on their own: lots of dakka/attacks, T4, 2W nob with powerclaw, fearless>10 models, scoring for only 6pts.   

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Lootas also are good they can shoot a pile of shots, their aim is bad, but when they get lucky, it can hurt against infantry. They can also have a Mekboy who might be able to fix CSM vehicles, was there ever a ruling on that, I can't remember. 


I played Orks in Rogue Trader times and my CSM were the allies at the dawn of 2nd Edition. So I have dozens of painted (poorly but amusingly) orks that may get fielded as allies some day. I also have plenty of unpainted greenskins and bits and bobs, so at some point if I ever learn how to play 6th Edition I'll make a crazy list or two.


I want to play without allies and then I want to do Servants of Decay as allies before I do Orks and Demons, maybe I'll even get talked into a mega battle. I have a lot of points of painted bad guys.

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^as above stated, shoota boys are probably better than cultists (s4 assault shooting, t4 troops, fearless) also, lootas are one of the best anti flier units in the game point for point. Also, the warboss is one of the best hq around given he is cheap, tough and killy.
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I hate to be the one to ask, but what was really gained from the orks that we couldn't have gained from just more cultists? Unless the allies were mostly a way to get extra HQ choices to back up the blob squads.




so one army is good with 3 flyers and the other with 2 flyers and fast tar pits to keep troops safe. I think I liked the chaos army with nob +nob biker+2 drakes +lootaz better. but that is just   a personal thing probably.

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totally not surprized that both the chaos armys that did well were heavily allied.

I don't think there are many non-allied armies out there any more (at tournaments or elsewhere >1500pts), but indeed it speaks volumes that working CSM armies do not (or only minimally) feature actual Chaos Marines these days. IMO, this is due to a mix of marketing nerfbat and design disinterest. 

Turkey (and spawn) is really all that this codex has to offer, for everything else there is better stuff around.

FMCs, Blastmasters and PMs have value, yet come with a (too) hefty pricetag, while bikes are just cheap.

Worse still, our army-wide rules are in fact disadvantages and our core troops are inadaequately priced because ATSKNF is overpowered. 

I wish they had at least not horribly overpriced even their new models...

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The one list doesn't surprise me - turkey spam is king, and I've been hearing reports that princes were better than the 'at least casually playable' rating I pegged them at for a while now.  The other list is a bit more of a surprise to me.  Nice to see Chaos doing well with something other than drake spam.  Neither list feels very 'chaos marine' to me, sadly, but that's not the list makers' fault.  That's Kelly's fault.

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Yup, the top tournie players will work out the best units on a points/killyness ratio, and the fact that none of the top lists I have seen feature generic csm is a very sad indictment of the list. I just wish spawn weren't so damn expensive, or I'd be tempted to hybridise those lists, add some demons and see how it did....
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Yup, the top tournie players will work out the best units on a points/killyness ratio, and the fact that none of the top lists I have seen feature generic csm is a very sad indictment of the list. I just wish spawn weren't so damn expensive, or I'd be tempted to hybridise those lists, add some demons and see how it did....


Nurgle and Necrons just seems wierd.  No Baledrake though, so that's pretty neat.

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Yeah, I was thinking double prince, minimum cultist squads, three sets of spawn, gd, plaguebearers with an aegis, beasts of nurgle and a heavy support dp, no idea how it would do though, and There's no way I can afford all the spawn atm.
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True, was just thinking relatively cheap skyfire to deal with fliers, but the army will be mostly in their face turn two anyhow, so fliers aren't gonna do much I suppose. Just picked up ten spawn cheap on eBay, so mostly got what I need to try it now.
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trend continues in the US:


24 out of 144 (1/6!) armies were CSM primary, topping even IG (23, including allied detachments). 


finale saw 5th ed. screamer/flamer victory over SW/IG.


does anyone have further insight into how the CSM armies were composed and whether they actually did well on the tables?


I also wonder what impact the inclusion of forgeworld had on this (dreadclaws, spartans, AA).

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drakes wouldnt do much for that list . it tar pits stuff and has largely immune to fire scoring units

Did . . . did you just state that Helldrakes wouldn't fit the list, and justify picking Chaos Spawn over it?  I seem to remember you making a lot of statements about how the Drake was ALWAYS the better fast attack choice and spawn were pretty terrible!  I think I'm going to print this out and frame it ; )  Seriously though I think it's the first time I've ever agreed with you about anything related to our codex.


I'm not surprised that the tournament lists are almost all going to involve allies, historically people would do just about anything to get another fast attack or heavy support slot.  It is nice that Chaos has been doing well, I think the codex gets a lot of flakk.

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