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The Disciples of Nurgleth


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Your stuff looks absolutely amazing. I actually started working on something very similiar a year ago, using many of the same parts as you for my cultists and plague marines. I'll post pictures of them in the link in my sig when I'm done- it'll be fun for us to compare how we ended up executing the model designs. I've taken a few ideas from your work so far.


I wish I had known about Spellcrow...I have enough for 3 squads of Forge World plague marines (with the Maxmini backpacks, which I don't think you're using), but I think now I might put in an order for the spellcrow legs and arms at least (wish I had known about Spellcrow a year ago- those heads and torsos are great, and I could've saved myself the cost of ordering the forgeworld head/torsos.

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Your stuff looks absolutely amazing. I actually started working on something very similiar a year ago, using many of the same parts as you for my cultists and plague marines. I'll post pictures of them in the link in my sig when I'm done- it'll be fun for us to compare how we ended up executing the model designs. I've taken a few ideas from your work so far.


I wish I had known about Spellcrow...I have enough for 3 squads of Forge World plague marines (with the Maxmini backpacks, which I don't think you're using), but I think now I might put in an order for the spellcrow legs and arms at least (wish I had known about Spellcrow a year ago- those heads and torsos are great, and I could've saved myself the cost of ordering the forgeworld head/torsos.


Thanks! means a lot, most of this is just experimentation - best to practice GS and paint on models that can be messy before I attempt clean, sharp loyalists lol.    I'll get some more pics up, but I may have 'ruined'  some of the models through adding to much wash and inks to the armour and rust, but being nurgle it still looks cool and doesn't detract from the theme. Just wont do any more like that! I also have a habit of painting late at night and with awful brushes which is never good for detail but i'm sure i'll get there eventually.


Spellcrow are such a great company, I have loads of stuff spare since they gave me so many freebies. Still probably cheaper for them to post to you though, not sure I can ship my spares to TX and still be economical :(      They also listen to feedback too - I mentioned to Piotr that the deamon prince needed wings and black mace to be viable in this edition, and two weeks later they were available on the site!


Looking forward to seeing more of your thread, I've subscribed :)

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Your stuff looks absolutely amazing. I actually started working on something very similiar a year ago, using many of the same parts as you for my cultists and plague marines. I'll post pictures of them in the link in my sig when I'm done- it'll be fun for us to compare how we ended up executing the model designs. I've taken a few ideas from your work so far.

I wish I had known about Spellcrow...I have enough for 3 squads of Forge World plague marines (with the Maxmini backpacks, which I don't think you're using), but I think now I might put in an order for the spellcrow legs and arms at least (wish I had known about Spellcrow a year ago- those heads and torsos are great, and I could've saved myself the cost of ordering the forgeworld head/torsos.

Thanks! means a lot, most of this is just experimentation - best to practice GS and paint on models that can be messy before I attempt clean, sharp loyalists lol. I'll get some more pics up, but I may have 'ruined' some of the models through adding to much wash and inks to the armour and rust, but being nurgle it still looks cool and doesn't detract from the theme. Just wont do any more like that! I also have a habit of painting late at night and with awful brushes which is never good for detail but i'm sure i'll get there eventually.

Spellcrow are such a great company, I have loads of stuff spare since they gave me so many freebies. Still probably cheaper for them to post to you though, not sure I can ship my spares to TX and still be economical sad.png They also listen to feedback too - I mentioned to Piotr that the deamon prince needed wings and black mace to be viable in this edition, and two weeks later they were available on the site!

Looking forward to seeing more of your thread, I've subscribed smile.png

Oh, wonderful that they sent you extra bits! Their bits are super nice. I ordered 110 Euros worth of bits and shipped it to Texas after seeing your thread!

Besides Secret Weapon (which I think I saw from your cultists heads you are already using), I'm building my Nurgle stuff with bits from these two sites:



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  • 1 month later...

Really not had much time but here's how things stand as of today:


some extra detail on the Kill Team (around 75% complete)




and the termies:





and some of the other things ive been working on. What can you spot?



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Glad you saw the Kromlech terminator legs - I passed by them in Darksphere and meant to point them out to you, I even had delusions of doing a Nurgle Terminator force myself for a few seconds before I remembered I wasn't treasonous heretical scum.  I would like to know how you're gonna arm the Decimator/Contemptor, the head swap is inspired and I can't place the head bit itself, where's it from? I feel like you could go to town with some GS work there (I know it's still WIP) but I don't know how exactly - my first thought was to do to it what you did to Kyphas with the distended belly + rebreather pipe and connect the two together somehow - like have the Condecimator be a former leader of the Disciples of Nurgleth (or even a former member of the Seven) or something. Just spitballing, I like little narrative links like that in a force.


Also took me ages to notice the dude holding the Ultramarine helmet (really have not woke up yet). I really, really like the purpley gore. That might be my favourite little touch in that squad, although it's a close one given #2 plague marine's eyes and the light effect, it reminds me slightly of bleeding and gives him a good brutal look.


I really think you should finish one model completely at some point to give yourself a reference point for the rest of the force - especially in terms of finishing the base, as that way you'll be able to see any problems/things you don't like with the completed model and then alter it for the rest of the army, otherwise you might end up finishing a squad and being disheartened by one niggle you've spotted.

Also want to see some work on *cough cough* the Project Which Must Not Be Named at some point, although I guess you have to finish the Plaguedrake first?

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