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Opinions on an Astral Knights chapter.


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Hi, i am new here but i do have some radical ideas as i have been in and out of the hobby since i was a kid (27 now) but as i have been out of it for a while and not that involved with 'fluff' some insight from fellow BnC members would be nice :)


Was having a good read (for once) of the fluff in our codex. And i thought about using this chapter for my marines.


The reason for this (fluff lovers beware) is that i intend on doing a female space marine army heavily influenced by Anime and Heavy Metal (i will get on to that soon).


NOTE: This is not a debate on the fluff, just the use of the Astral Knights as a chapter :)


The reason why is because having read various debates on the subject is Adeptus Astartes (is that correct?) marines have to be male due to gene-seeds and processes required.


Now in a universe that is entirely fictional full of futuristic tech i find it possible that a chapter such as the 'Astral Knights' who are supposedly extinct actually have survivors on some lost word or some such. And thus have researched on making female marines so they can not only re-create the chapter but can do so on their own through breeding. Not so much breeding with male marines because as far as i'm aware they are classed as post-human so that isn't possible, but by artificial means. A chapter of space marine amazons if you will.


I see this not interfering with current marine fluff and is viable within the 40k universe. So as not to spark a huge debate on the subject.



My other idea on the actual modelling side of things is this.


As an 8 year old i remember seeing Noise marines with the guitar bolters and such and thought that is awesome (as is an 8 year old's mindset). Now being actually into that music i want to theme my weapons around that. If it is a long lost chapter, why the hell not go the whole hog. The other weapon style coming from my love of Anime so having larger than normal power weapons. Not like stupidly large 1.5x - 2x larger at most. Think Clouds buster sword from final fantasy VII if you know it.


They are all going to have actual wings as a side effect to being female marines. Sanguinas had them but normal BA's do not. So why not have them sprout upon being implanted in a female genome.


Also all the HQs will be converted to being female but use the same rules as their male counterparts in the codex for game use.


The paint scheme i am planning to use is a half split theme. One half being white/silver, the other half looking like space (stars, galaxies, nebulae etc). So they have the Astral theme.


Thoughts and Criticism welcome :)







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Hi there!

So as you know, official fluff states that there can be never, ever, under no circumstances, female marines, because the hormones needed to stimulate the growing process of the new organs are only found in the male body. Research would do no good since the process of creating Space Marines isn't understood, but repeated over and over after the same scheme since the Great Crusade.

Well, since we got that sorted...if you don't give a damn about that, just carry on with your idea! They're your miniatures and it's your hobby, so you're free to do whatever you want, especially from a modelling perspective. Be prepared however for the concerned looks of some dorks who think too highly of themselves in regards of 40k-fluff. msn-wink.gif

And, just for fun and to give you an impression of how the female marines with wings(!) would be implemented into the 40 universe...as soon as the Inquisition would notice that a group of females desecrates the 'most holy' process of creating the über-warriors that are the Space Marines, and on top of that shows serious mutation, they'd sent some Strike Cruisers full of marine-hating Marines, some Inquisitors and even some Grey Knights if you're very unlucky, and make short work of everything in sight. That's how the 40kn universe deals with 'extraordinary' stuff. laugh.png

To be fair, it's a very grimdark universe, and within the Imperium, everything that isn't given the 'OK' from the Senate or the Inquisition is most likely declared renegade and pursued.

However sisters of battle might be a good approach for you, since they're wearing power armour, they are females and have a fairy-princess saint that wouldn't look too silly with wings on her back. smile.png


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Thanks for the input :D


Yeah stressing out fluff lovers is part of my winning strategy hehe.


As for the modelling it may not be what you expect. To give you an idea unless its frowned upon, i intend to utilise this model



I know its not a 40k sisters of battle i know. But I really don't like the sisters power armour, they look more like nuns than angels.


But the tech wings with the addition of feathers, and if you can imagine it her body, with space marine boots and gloves on. Nowt else. Mainly as artificer armour, add some more on the legs and arms for normal marines and then just full termi armour for them.

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To start of with, Welcome to the Hobby!

As said above, Your fluff would shock any Fluff Fan boy to the core, but when in doubt, just say the warp did it... works every time.

in modelling terms, wings on each of your marines would be very hard to do, but you could work the Sanguinary guard backpacks as a way of showing how the marines use their wings (as jump pack infantry) but otherwise the wings stay in the armour (using a Harness similar to Angel in X-men 3...if you watched it) to avoid wing related wounds.

just my two pence on the matter.

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Lol i meant as in im new to these forums. Been into the hobby on and off since i was 8.


I am very skilled in customisation so thats not really a difficulty in mind. 


The wings will be on the outside for show, but i'm mulling over having some armoured some not, so its like they do try and protect them in a way, while some opt out or have simply taken it off, perhaps choosing not to go into battle with armoured wings at all.

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I know where to get or even how to make myself a set of wings like that. I know how to do feathers and all sorts. Not a huge amount of options out there wing wise that's ready made sadly.


I just cannot wait to get started.

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