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Fluffy question - Greater Daemons


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Was reading through the Skarbrand fluff in the new Daemon codex. It reads as if Skarbrand tried to kill Khorne, then Khorne obviously got pissed, shot up Skar's wings, and eternally exiled him from Khorneland... and now Skarbrand runs around doing whatever he wants and wreaking havoc.


Does that means Skarbrand is essentially a neutral daemon and could potentially be adopted by Nurgle for the greater good of the universe? Or are greater daemons forever leashed to their god?

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Well, Skarbrand is a bit of a special snowflake- I am sure you could include him in a Nurgle force if you so desired. That being said, he is still a Khornate daemon, and is probably representative of the fact that Khorne is so kill-happy that sometimes the violence is self-directed.

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I think Khorne is one of the few believers of "violence is it's own reward".



Basically, even though Khorne threw him out of the crib, I'm pretty sure all the souls Skarbrand takes still go to Khorne, as he's still a blood thirster of Khorne.


That's how I see it anyway, though I may be wrong, haven't fully read the codex cover to cover yet.

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Wasn't there a fluff discussion some time ago about how the fluff is meant that chaos -especially regarding the gods- should be seen as a big ocean of chaos energy with the 4 great powers kind of like the cardinal points? and the lesser things in relation to that point?

so a greater daemon might divert from closeness / greatness / influence to his original god and maybe more tolerable to another power' s influence / tolerant of them but retaining his "core direction"?

so Skarbrand is still essential khornate but integrates easier with other powers' playthings? Kind of like charged particles .... ?

and as always it's Chaos ....so mutating and deviating is to be expected.

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