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IT: Sons Of Crotalus (wip)

Crotalus Cerastes

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Origins of the Sons Of Crotalus

Current intelligence is being deciphered and organized.


UNKNOWN, further research and investigation is currently under way.


UNKNOWN, further research and investigation is currently under way.

Combat Doctrine

Small scale complex ambushes and terrorist type attacks on supplies and infrastructure. Increasing number and intensity of attacks.


Interaction with the Legio

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I'm still in the process of writing and organizing how exactly I want my DIY IT to be. I plan for them to be a Renegade Company, that is highly influenced by the Alpha Legion (possibly another one of their pawns?). They believe The Emperor is leading mankind astray in the universe, that man was meant to be free to choose for themselves not lead by someone's ideal(just an idea, part of the company doesnt flow the ways of Chaos, yet some are fully immersed). Their leader is Crotalus Cerastes known as the "Sidewinder." I plan for them to have a desert home world/ area of expertise. I am still torn at the moment as to which one of the Loyalists they split from. I am a noob to the fluff and am currently catching my self up on the 40K universe. Any suggestions, comments and critiques would be extremely helpful.



Thank you

Crotalus Cerastes



Interesting idea. I like the suggestion of each Marine being allowed to follow his own path, although I'd imagine most of them would end up corrupted as that's how Chaos works. However, given this free thinking attitude, their name seems a bit odd?


As to their gene seed, if they are learning their tactics from the AL, presumably it doesn't matter too much where they came from? I'd probably suggest Ultras to keep things simple - but not the Ultramarines themselves, choose a less well known successor (or make one up), as it's a big deal to have a full Company turn renegade, if the Ultras (or any famous Chapter) had had that happen recently, we'd probably have heard about it by now.


They believe The Emperor is leading mankind astray in the universe, that man was meant to be free to choose for themselves not lead by someone's ideal(just an idea, part of the company doesnt flow the ways of Chaos, yet some are fully immersed).


This isnt really how chaos works. Firstly if some dont follow chaos and others are fully immersed, you will have a broken chapter with much internal conflict. Also with this break in their beliefs, it is unlikely that they would just all agree on the freedom of mankind. You are throwing two VERY conflicting beliefs into one force, as the view of chaos is that of slavery, service to the dark gods and corruption of the mind. Any chaos marine trying to be robin hood would probably not be very popular with the chaos gods and with other chaos marines, and i doubt he would survive long.


I think that you need to choose: either "free the people" (which apparently has been done to death, as I've been told over on my IA that follows a similar theme), or chaos space marines. You can't really have both.


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