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Chaos at close combat

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Hey, if you have a differing opinion, bring it on.


I get the direction you're coming from, and I think we all more or less agree about the dex.


Before you chose to dismiss other's opinions, however, consider how tired and annoyed they may be of yours (however "right" you consider yourself to be). Then add the derision you have displayed here. doesn't really qualify as constructive criticism either, does it?


Don''t tell me to :cuss off when I'm sharing my opinion, I don't do it either. So much is required, otherwise we're cool...

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 There is no inherent good or bad when it comes to 40k (or anything else for that matter), so descriptions are really necessary. 

I completely and utterly disagree with this opinion on just about every level.


I'll spare us the philosophy end of where this can lead and get to the 40k. When someone takes a flamer and a lascannon in a unit, it is bad. When someone makes huge units of regular marines without ccw and uses them for mele, it's bad. when someone takes only 1 high points vehicle and expects it to survive, it's bad.


When someone puts Kahrn in a unit of 35 mok cultists, it's good. Why has this not come up yet in a mele thread???

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At the risk of sounding like one of those filthy, disgusting disease-ridden Nurgle-lickers...



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Yes! Hugs! The capricious Tzeentch-thing has the right idea tongue.png


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You happy-with-anything GW apologists may find free hugs acceptable, but as a power hugger I field deluxe hugs only, and I think anyone who settles for low quality free hugs is doing it wrong.



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Yes, but malisteen, the free hugs are from a girl who kisses girls. msn-wink.gif

as a guy, i find these hugs to be fairly priced. the delux edition is obviously from a girl who kisses boys.

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Well if we are back to talking mele, has anyone used something similar to the following setup yet?


35 mok cultists with Kahrn

35 mok cultists with mok lord + aobf


bikes with meltaguns



With the intent of ignoring fliers and just charging everything else with a completely fearless troop army, would this be reasonable for chaos mele? I know there is an argument for x unit being better than berserkers man for man or point for point, but I counter with the proposal that we can build squads that are 25 strong. Bikes and oblits are just for anti-tank, but in a game where troops are growing more popular, they might actually just end up being fire magnets in some instances.


There is a guy who runs 35 cultists with mok and a dark apostle in my group, and that squad is greatly feared for good reason. I've seen him just plow over hammernators like it was nothing with those cultists by forcing them to make over 50 saves. I can't help but think he has the right idea with the wrong HQ.

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the charging everything part will be the biggest problem. I ran cultist blobs, but they never reached melee save maybe for last turn. Either you shoot or you are fast or you do nothing (ok when scoring). The rest of the list is pretty standart save for the zerkers. what if you run into 3 baledrakes?

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Well I've not played the army, so I can't say what would be the strategy against 3 drakes other than.. 1 deploy the blobs to try and avoid template (somewhat impossible), 2 drakes can't fire into mele, so that may give way to some immunity, 3 fliers don't count as part of an army for tabling purposes if it comes to that, and 4 fliers dont score.


Honestly, you can "what if" just about any list to death. I'm sure some of those necron guns could plow through a horde as well, and massive amounts of flamers would be a nightmare. No one I've played against or seen at my group is running triple drakes, so I'm not really ready to cross that bridge in the real world. And the internet is full of bridge trolls that want to eat my chaos goats! I digress.

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I think the angry people are gone now.

Nah, we just had to work all day!  I guess I thought other people liked fighting on the internet about this stuff?  I enjoy a good online fight, and after a long day of teaching about social inequality it's nice to get all worked up about stuff that ultimately doesn't matter.  But I'll try to be less right all the time if it will make other people feel better ;)




 There is no inherent good or bad when it comes to 40k (or anything else for that matter), so descriptions are really necessary. 

I completely and utterly disagree with this opinion on just about every level.


I'll spare us the philosophy end of where this can lead and get to the 40k. When someone takes a flamer and a lascannon in a unit, it is bad. When someone makes huge units of regular marines without ccw and uses them for mele, it's bad. when someone takes only 1 high points vehicle and expects it to survive, it's bad.


When someone puts Kahrn in a unit of 35 mok cultists, it's good. Why has this not come up yet in a mele thread???


Yeah, I guess if you take the most outlandish ways you can possibly run units in 40k and stretch the hypothetical argument to it's most illogical confusion, I'm wrong!  Besides, most of what you described is conditional.  Yes, regular marines are bad at close combat, but decent at close-range fire fights.  It's all relative.  Oh, and having a flamer and lascannon in the same squad might be good if, say, you are planning on combat squadding them and putting the lascannon in cover to hold an objective and the flamer in a razorback?


As for the list: I think that putting Khârn with a big fat squad of cultists has some merit, but doubling down might leave a pretty big gap in your army.  I like the idea of a big squad of cultists (and Khârn) and a squad of like 16 Bezerkers on foot.  It'd mix up what the units could do, and make the opponent have some tough choices--do they shoot at the cultists and kill some but still have plenty left, or do they shoot at the Bezerkers but have less chance of doing damage?  I'd never run it, I got footslogging assault out of my system with third edition Nids and fourth edition Orks, but I could see where it might work.

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It diffuses the situation and clears the air so that people can start discussing the subject properly again without being so angry at each other.

hmm realy ? people get less angry from others trying to crush them in a bear hug . maybe if they die , but that is kind of final as feeling anything goes.


but then again we use buckets of cold just above zero water. a few of those and people stop thinking anything at all. cheaper too and you dont get sick and it doesnt look strange.

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There is no inherent good or bad when it comes to 40k (or anything else for that matter)

The best argument against this is that, were it true, any advice (and even the forum it is written in) would be pointless msn-wink.gif

p.s. I hope you're not angry.

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It diffuses the situation and clears the air so that people can start discussing the subject properly again without being so angry at each other.

hmm realy ? people get less angry from others trying to crush them in a bear hug . maybe if they die , but that is kind of final as feeling anything goes.


but then again we use buckets of cold just above zero water. a few of those and people stop thinking anything at all. cheaper too and you dont get sick and it doesnt look strange.


In real life, you'd be right, but here it acts as a comedic "wait, what?!"

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Guys, I think Jeske might be an alien. He doesn't seem to understand humor or hugs.  

Anyway, as far as C:CSM and melee choices go, we don't have any great options, but that is largely due to the problems with assault in general in 6th. BA assault armies are in a similar position- delivery is tricky if not impossible, and the risk/reward benefits of assault are out of whack. It is rough to be an assault army right now.

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Guys, I think Jeske might be an alien. He doesn't seem to understand humor or hugs.  


Anyway, as far as C:CSM and melee choices go, we don't have any great options, but that is largely due to the problems with assault in general in 6th. BA assault armies are in a similar position- delivery is tricky if not impossible, and the risk/reward benefits of assault are out of whack. It is rough to be an assault army right now.


I can't agree with you on the BA comparison; they have deep-striking Land Raiders, Storm Ravens, and accurate deep striking jump infantry.  I've never fought a BA army in 6th that couldn't deliver an assault unit to the right place.

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