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Thousand Sons - pre heresy


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Hi everybody,

here is my army of thousand sons pre heresy. I always looove tzeentch and for many years, i resist to create an army.

But many years ago, a frind give me the book 'Thousans Sons' from Graham McNeill (in French, but who cares ?), i was in love for this army.

So i don't spend hundred of euros to forgeworld, i make the choice to use 'classic' armor (that an heresy but 55 euros for 10 guys, i can't afford it).

Kromlech, maxmini and tabletop-art are suffisant, and naturally irina-est for the TS kit.

Here the pictures. The army is not done yet.

The unit of 20 marines with 2 plasma rifles, one sergent and the fearless standard :






My first unit of Rubricae :




The first of the three Rhino :


Thanks for watching msn-wink.gif

PS : sorry for my langage, i'm French

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i got some myself but i don't know if i should model their loadouts as chosen or something else...

Use this minis for troop choice (rubricae), so you play them for every battle ! The minis are really cool, we must use them as many as possible smile.png

Very nice - love the orange highlights with the red. It helps them stop being too BA red.

That was my first fear. I paint an BA army and don't want to paint them on the same way.

The orange is in fact brown, it's Vermin Brown / Skrag Brown. So my 1K sons don't look like BA with red and yellow.

I think I might have to borrow one or two ideas here for my sorcerer

No problem msn-wink.gif

What else do you have planned?

For the little tournament in April (in France) i will play : 2 sorcerers, 20 guys, 30 rubricae, 3 rhinos and 2 Obliterator (converted, they don't look like a demaon weapons on legs).

The 2 Rhinos finally painted !




Thank you for watching my army !

Not a bad start at all. One thing I would seriously consider is changing the color of the boltguns to black or gray.  Something needs to break up the solid red silhouettes that they are now.


I see a lot of missed parts that should be metal or parchment colored too, but being a WIP I can't tell if they were missed or you just haven't gotten to them yet :teehee:


The vehicles are downright badass.

Second Rubrics squad :




Yeah i know, they are not Egyptians at all. But there is two reason for that : i do what i want biggrin.png And i want to have specific squads to identify them quickly on the battlefield.

I also do a Lining (? not sure you use this word in englis) of chaos black on the previous miniatures. And add some black on the bolters, like Firepower advice me.



I see a lot of missed parts that should be metal or parchment colored too

Heeeer... i see them too now... Thanks !



Some pictures before a battle versus the new deamons (the lists was fun).

On the last but one my lord commander and the two obliterator.


Hope you like them.


Thanks for watching !

Some little things :


Holes for bolter, and more black, the eyes are now more painted.



Where did you get the rhino plates from?

Here :


And Kromlech :




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