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Daemon Weapons?


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I`ve just got the CSM codex and flicking through I`m confused how a model can get a daemon weapon.  It`s not on any of the equipment charts and I can`t find it on the boons table as a reward.


So, how does a CSM get one?

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Guest Vortex


There are no generic daemon weapons any more. The Axe of Blind Fury and The Black Mace are the only daemon weapons in the codex. 


These two weapons are in the Chaos Artefacts sections


Typhus' Scythe, the Manreaper, is a daemon weapon too? 


Not to mention the Despoiler's Drach'nyen as well.


But yes, so far as I know those are the only proper Daemon Weapons in the book.

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If you are running a Lord with no mark, then the Black Mace is a great weapon choice IMO. I run my lord with it every game, and have not regretted it. On the face value it seems not so great because of AP4 only. But, with the +D6 attacks because of being a DW, that lord is dishing out a lot attacks, and forcing a lot of saves.


So if you go against a character or MC, all you need to do is score a single unsaved wound, and bam they are off the table. Have not encountered anything yet that has a special rule to counter it.


If you go against a normal infantry unit, you might not clean them out as fast as if you had a power weapon, but again, the +D6 attacks, forces a lot of saves and I have tarpitted a tactical squad with my solo lord. Considering that unit was parked up in a building and raining down fire on my foot sloggers and then my heldrake with flakk missles, tyiing them up for 4 combat turns with my lord was awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're correct Vorenus. If a multi-wound model takes an unsaved wound from the BM then they have to take a toughness test, if they fail then they are removed as a casualty.  Also, if you inflict at least one unsaved wound then all enemy models within a certain distance have to take a toughness test, if they fail then they take a wound with no save of any kind allowed.

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Additionally, if you give the Black Mace to a Daemon Prince then it has all it's cool toughness test effects AND it's AP2 thanks to the monstrous creature rules.


I usually give my Lord the Murder Sword unless I am also fielding a Sorcerer who can potentially reduce the toughness of enemy units thanks to Enfeeble from the Biomancy table, in which case I take the Black Mace.

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