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Name for a worshiper

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Hi all.


I'm writing a story at the moment, but i'm strugling to find a name for my main character.


The idea of the guy is solid in my head, he sold his soul to slaanesh in order to win the heart of the woman he loves. The tragedy being once he had her he did'nt want her as he was always seeking new things. I need something alittle sinister, yet something an imperial citizen could be named.


Any ideas?

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Well, if he's starting out as a generic Imperial citizen, you'd take a name from wherever he's from.


But, if he renames himself after he's all cultified, I find great luck in going through the names of HP Lovecraft lore, maybe blend two of the names together.

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I have always felt that mainland European Noble names works for Slaanesh cultists, just the perfect right enough of decadence. de Geere, Bernadotte, von Solsburg, as heck silverstolpe, van der qvast, if you want more exotic names (exotic in a caucasian euro/american point of view) check out voudou names haitian/brazilian/african westcoast. Both Latin Roman and ancient Greek names can give you a naughty Slaanesh feel, Cladius, Caligual, Agrippina, Nero, Homer, Paris etc.. watch the tv-series Rome if you want more names. Somehow Asian and Arabic names don't give that Slaanesh vibe that i think you are after.


Otherwise you can give your character a name of someone who might think incorruptible, I can't give you any example, but check out the names of various saints.  



And we all know that the most sinister name of them all is Bob.


Just my two kraks.



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My thanks to both of you. And thus is Alexi Van der Qvast born. thanks.gif

High Gothic would be Alexander ;)

Alexi (could also be female) would be low gothic, and thus not something an imperial noble would be called if your a fluff National Socialist ^^

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Slaanesh would never corrupt, mock or bastardize something would it? Alexi is a extremely good name for a Slaanesh cultist. anything that makes other gender confused is just fun. Slaanesh is most often portrayed androgynous so Alexi is great.




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Well in the story Alexi is'nt a noble. He's a nobody, a kitchen worker no one would look twice at untill he sells his soul and suddenly is getting attention he's always wanted- at a price. Plus it's a nod to my actor friend and fellow writer Lexi Wolfe yes.gif

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Slaanesh would never corrupt, mock or bastardize something would it? Alexi is a extremely good name for a Slaanesh cultist. anything that makes other gender confused is just fun. Slaanesh is most often portrayed androgynous so Alexi is great.




Your make a rather good point.

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