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Ratty Plague Ogryn

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So i've been wanting to add some plague ogryn to my rat based nurgle army and i decided to get some skaven rat ogres. I plied the local groups for trades and the upshot is that i am going to end up with 21 rat ogres which is about 11 more than i was necessarily looking for. 


I'm gonna keep them all but i have the slight problem that they will all look pretty similar. I'm a fair hand at conversion but 21 ideas is going to be a bit of a stretch. there is a mixture of IOB ogres and the regular box set. 


any cool ideas? i briefly thought of giving some marine bits but then remembered they are not ex marines they are ogryn. 


i have boxes of zombies, plague bearers and plague monks

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You could get a Chaos Spawn box and use the bits to convert the Rat-Ogryns. There are plenty of useful bits in that set. Using the box sets you mentioned might be stretching it slightly due to the difference in size. Can t wait to see what you do with them ;)

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