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Non-Chaos Warlord Traits


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Is anyone using the standard Warlord traits ?


I see some value in the "Personal Traits" if you decide to go with a biker/steed HQ with biker buddies or spawn pals. Actually all but the #1 choice add value to your squad, and the VP for challenges trait has some synergy with our forced challenge rule.


The reserve roll modification for "Strategic Traits" has real potential if you are relying heavily on drakes or other flyers and slowing your opponent's reserves punishes him/her for that same reliance.


Anyway, I was just curious if people were sticking with the Chaos book.

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Nah, I have played my Ravengaurd a couple times now, and honestly it doesn't seem to matter which WT I take, it doesn't seem to apply, help, or make a difference.


Now for my chaos army, I have rolled 'master of deseption' 3 out of 4 times. Which is fantastic for me, with a total infantry, foot slogging army. I really like all the chaos WT honestly. I got the one that allows a reroll on the boon table. I only got into a challenge once (SGT keep dieing before he gets there LOL) and I didn't need to reroll the boon. 

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Every 6th game I've played with chaos used Master of Deception for my trait.  Haven't considered trying the book ones, not enough I care about.

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Are you guys playing where you just choose it, or roll for it? Sounds like you are choosing. That would be nice, I would always choose master of deception.  LOL   So far my gaming crew are following as the book dictates, roll for everything. Haven't gotten to where we are deciding some things just don't work and doing house rules. Although terrain might be the first. D3 for each 2x2 section can end up being A LOT of terrain to the point of being annoying.

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I seem to keep rolling fear (useless vs my main opponents sm's of one kind or another and necrons) and hatred, again my main opponent sm's and I already hav VotLW on almost everything, so again, pretty useless. whatcha gonna do cry.gif . I never tried the ones in the rule book, so many of them and many of them seem blah.

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Are you guys playing where you just choose it, or roll for it? Sounds like you are choosing. That would be nice, I would always choose master of deception.  LOL   So far my gaming crew are following as the book dictates, roll for everything. Haven't gotten to where we are deciding some things just don't work and doing house rules. Although terrain might be the first. D3 for each 2x2 section can end up being A LOT of terrain to the point of being annoying.

Ahriman for my warlord, so no roll.

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Getting hatred (Space marines) against necrons, OG is making me think of taking Ahriman....

I'm thinking that one would have been better as Hatred (Imperial codecci)

No, if u roll hatred on the WL chart it is vs everyone. So would be great if I played someone besides SM (which I already hav hatred for bc of VotLW). I rolled fear vs necrons, which is also useless as well, as undead robots (or what ever the hell they are) tend not to get scared much laugh.png

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I have used a Dark Apostle as my Warlord many times, and for him I use the tables from the rulebook. Most of the rolls from the Chaos table are either pointless or one of the abilities the DA comes with standard.

Last battle I got Outflank, so my Apostle and a squad of marines with 2 plasmaguns came in right next to my opponents (GKs) objective. So I shot him up with my plasmas and bolters. Even if the entire squad was eventually killed, that warlord trait put me in control of the battle from turn two, meaning I made him run sideways along my firing lines for two turns to regain control of his very important objective. This ment my Helbrutes and Possessed could advance up the field with little resistance, and when the possessed hit his lines, it was all over.

By the end of turn 5, all he had left was his HQ locked in a challenge with my HQ, (my DA had the book of Magnus and rolled precognition, and he had a GK libby which also had Precognition. That was a challenge that would never end. ^^)


But yeah, most rulebook traits are fairly pointless.

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You got Outflank? Are you sure you didn't just get the ability to reroll the dice if you have Outflank? Because I don't remember there being anything nearly that useful in the Strategic traits.

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