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Stripping paint

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Now I know that Fairy Power Spray is favoured for those within the UK to strip paint of models, but for some unknown reason no-where in my damn town does it. Not Tesco, Morrisons, even Lidle and Boots don't stock it. So I was wondering if there was any thing else that could be used that doesn't damage the model, which (I hope) my Throne-Forsaken town might have.







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For metal, I just use finger nail polish remover. Let them soak in a jar of that for 24 hours and then get a toothbrush. Of if you have a dremel, get brush wheel for that.


For plastic models, Simple Green cleaning solution is wat I use. You have to let them soack in it for at least 48 hours, and then take good, stiff toothbrush to them. This gets all but stuff down in the cracks off.


So idea where you are in the country if you have access to simple green, though. I guess you could look up it's active ingredients and then find something similar in your area.

Tried looking for Simple Green and my town doesn't seem to do that. I have tried Nail Varnish remover but that seems to warp models ever-so-slightly, depending on their age it seems. My old Landspeeder's bonet plate warped so it wouldn't fit over the main hull and my dread warped miniorly but not as bad so I'm looking for something more reliable.


Apart from online where would one find Simple Green in the UK? Hardwear stores?

If you've got a Lidl in town their own brand Dettol is great, and it's dirt cheap. (just checked, it's called Betazone Antiseptic Disinfectant and it's about 90p for a 500ml bottle)


Works on plastic and metal, no damage to plastic at all - I normally put them in a jar one night, and then scrub them off the next night when I get in from work. Loosens superglue as well, but that just makes it easier to get into the fiddly bits.

I can reccomend DOT3 or DOT4 break fluid. You bathe your plastic miniatures for 2-3h and most of the paint comes off. Brush them a bit and you'll most likely get as clear as new models. Most likely, because once after removing all the paint I could, my Terminators were a bit dimmer than standard GW plastic. Still, it's totally worth it. No adverse effects on the plastic.

use bartolene tx10 paint and varnish stripper. its a dedicated paint stripper that will no damage any plastic, its even green stuff safe.


take a,look at my various threads. you can get it in most hardware stores in the UK.

Found some paint and varnish stripper in B&Q and that seems to be doing the trick for my two test models. But Lidl didn't seem to do the betazone stuff, suprise suprise there.


But thanks to everyone as I seem to have found a solution.

I'm a bit late helping with this project, but a nice cheap alternative is Astonish disinfectant. Smells like hell, burns your fingers a little, but leaves models intact, turns the paint into gloop that you can scrub off with cotton buds, a toothpick and a toothbrush. It even cuts through the thinner parts of the undercoat.

I've used Simple Green on both plastics and metals and it works great. The other thing I've used here in the States is called Super Clean degreaser that comes in a big ol' purple jug at most auto stores. I left an entire Chaos Space Marine army in a bucket of the stuff for about a week, pulled them out, and was able to get nearly all the paint off of them with minimal scrubbing effort with a stiff brush, and with no damage or warping to the models. 


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