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Yes I guess it depends on ur defination of "distraction". By my example 3 vindies are not a distraction, they are a real threat, I would have to make a threat assesment, are ur vindies out of their short firing range ?, Do they hav LoS ? , Do I hav serveral units all bunched up so even if it scatters (5 outta 6 it will) it will probably hit something ? Which is a bigger threat THIS turn, his rino full of guys or his vindi ? etc, etc, . That is not a "distraction", I am not "distracted" u r forcing me to make decision where I put what fire. By derps example, I see bikers, I make no assessment, I fire every thing I have at them ignoring/forgetting about a bigger or more immediate threats, vindi's, rinos , whatever. That would mean I was "distracted", ie. fooled, out witted, decieved. Being distracted implies that u r missing something or not paying attention. If I hit a guard rail w my car b/c I was txting on my cell phone I was distracted. If I choose to hit a guard rail b/c it was the only way to avoid a head-on collision with a dump truck I was not distracted, I made a threat assesment and decided on a course of action. See what I'm sayin' msn-wink.gif

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Distracted in 40K usually means "alternative threat due to saturation", rather than the literal definition of the term.


No player is immune to making incorrect decisions, so this is where tactics come in.


Now when it comes to Chaos, they struggle to make assaults from Rhino transports. If you want to assault you're probably going to need a unit which doesn't have a need for transports or is in a Land Raider. Khorne themed armies could do with a couple Juggernaughts/Spawn/Bike units, a Land Raider and then a couple Rhinos with Berzerkers for late game clear up. That'll actually be a better army for assaulting than people give it credit for. By being so aggressive you can also avoid the worst from fliers too.

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Since I learned effectiveness of Melta-Drop the hard way, I no longer see Land Raider as effective/worth way of transporting. Since half of armies out there can field a 185 points to stop your Land Raider, make its stuffing walk, and take First Blood at once - next time I will use Land Raider it will be for Apocalypse size games, and no less than 2 of them. Shame though, I really like my MKIIb Land Raider with Subtle Discords awesome plating.
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Since I learned effectiveness of Melta-Drop the hard way, I no longer see Land Raider as effective/worth way of transporting. Since half of armies out there can field a 185 points to stop your Land Raider, make its stuffing walk, and take First Blood at once - next time I will use Land Raider it will be for Apocalypse size games, and no less than 2 of them. Shame though, I really like my MKIIb Land Raider with Subtle Discords awesome plating.

It's a simple matter to leave a Land Raider in reserve when an opponent has a "reliable" method of destroying heavy vehicles. There are few ways of doing it too, so it's not wide spread in 40K.


I'm tempted to make a Chaos list myself - these Chaos Daemons allied to some Berzerkers really speaks to me!

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