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Drop pod question re: immobilised


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"...and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has suffered an Immobilized damage result that cannot be repaired in any way." (C:DA, p.42)


If you've suffered an Immobilized damage result (in all respects), that means you've taken a penetrating hit. If you've taken a penetrating hit, you've lost a HP.


If you land in difficult terrain and fail your dangerous terrain test, the drop pod is destroyed.


- You suffer 1HP as you land.

- Another HP for failing the DT test.

- And another HP for getting an Immobilized result when you're already immobilized. Boom.


My group has decided not to play it that way, but RAW that's what it is.

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That doesnt follow. There are plenty of effects in the game that have caused damage results with causing a penetrating hit. Its a pretty big assumption to work it that way.


In fact, I cant find a single thing anywhere in the vehicle rules that states a hull point is lost whenever you apply a damage result. What it in fact says is if you take a penetrating hit you lose a hull point, and then immediately make a roll on the damage table and apply it immediately.


Hull point loss triggers damage results on a penetrating hit, not the other way around. You dont lose a HP.

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And if it has a single HP it's destroyed as soon as it is deployed/used if you follow this rule.


I agree 100 percent. The results on the damage table follow a penetrating hit, not a Hull Point being removed, or else glances would allow you to roll on the damage table.


It annoyed me Adepticon got this wrong in their tournament pack.

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Thing is, does it say a damage result causes the loss of a HP? It doesn't make sense that way because if so it would mean penetrating hits end up taking off 2 HPs.


It's pretty clear cut really.

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Yea.  Permissive ruleset.  You don't do anything you aren't told to do.  It says you are immobilised.  It doesn't say you suffer a hull point.


Just play it the way you prefer, and if your opponent insists on this "reading" of the rule, ask for a roll off or play it their way.

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"Glancing Hits
If a Glancing Hit was scored, the vehicle loses 1 Hull Point.
", BRB, pg.74

"Penetrating Hits
If a Penetrating Hit was scored, the vehicle not only loses 1 Hull Point, but also suffers additional damage. After deducting any Hull Points, roll a D6 for each shot that penetrated the vehicle's armor. Apply any appropriate modifiers (they are all cumulative) and look up the result using the Vehicle Damage table on the left
.", BRB, pg.74

"Immobilized. An Immobilized vehicle cannot move - it may not even pivot, but its turrets may continue to rotate to select targets, and other weapons retain their normal arcs of fire. Any Immobilised results suffered by an already Immobilised vehicle, or a Flyer with Locked Velocity (see page 81) instead removes an additional Hull Point.", BRB, pg.74

The Drop Pod is not (Type)Immobile, until it suffers the Immobilized result due to its "Immobile" special rule. That "Immobile" rule does not state that the Drop Pod suffers a loss of Hull Points - so it does not lose any. The Immobilized result does not cause it to suffer a loss of Hull Points (unless it suffers additional Immobilized results subsequently) - so it does not lose any for this either.  Only the Glancing and Penetrating Hits rules cause loss of Hull Points. And the Drop Pod does not suffer a Glancing or Penetrating Hit due to its Immobile special rule either.
Therefore, the Drop Pod does not suffer a Hull Point loss when it deploys.

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