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moving DC the best way?


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simple question really - what do people find is the best way to move DC about?




Jump pack


The Big Flying Thing


Im heading for a drop pod dread list atm.





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The answer is going to depend on what you want to do with them. Mixing with a drop pod dreadnought list, I'd say you should use a drop pod. Rhino is there to be cheap, Razorback is there to be cheap while providing a little fire support, jump packs are entertaining though decently useful if you want them moving across problematic terrain, Land Raiders make for good shock & awe and can deliver your killing machines safely through most battlefield situations to a surprise assault on the enemy, and the "Big Flying Thing" is basically a Land Raider that flies and adds a Dreadnought to the mix. In theory, at least, all of the different modes of transportation have their different uses, and we'll need more than "which is best?" to answer you.
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Thanks for the replies. I am pretty familiar with the different options just not how well they work with assault troops. I can see the advantages on paper but sometimes player experience points to the less obvious option.


I guess the razorback is too small to be effective. jetpacks are intriguing but not having tried them Important concerned whether they make it into combat in one piece.

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I have always liked them with jump packs. They tend to draw so much fire away from the rest of your army and still make it into combat, allowing much of the rest of your force to advance in peace. Just watch out for pesky plasma cannons! yucky.gif

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Drop Pod DC works with your list. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/260878-dc-drop-pod-tactics/


Land Raider DC or Large Jump-Pack DC defines your list because everything else goes to support that expensive package. Land Raider DC is fun for friendly games just remember to keep screens out to protect against melta--- the Land Raider should not be your Point Model leading an advance, they should be the follow-up hammer that cleans up after you tie everything down.


Small Jump Pack DC is semi-viable, 8 men or less with 30pts of gear or less. Total cost of 310pts, you can fit that into most lists without being too much of a focal point and can contribute without being a pointsink. I like this Unit, I run it in friendly games and it does well (8 men: 2 Axes or 1 PF)


Rhino/Razorback DC aren't very good. Paper-armor means it is far too easy for them to become stranded somewhere and end up not contributing to the game. Lack of Assault Vehicle rule only exacerbates the problem.

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So far in this edition I've been using the jump pack, and a 5 man squad of dc, for a couple reasons.


Jump packs are expensive, BUT 15pts per model you'd need 15x15(max occupancy for LR = 16 = 15 + chappy) = 240+25(chappy jp)= 265 which is a little more than the price of the LR haha. So price wise, its smarter imo to stick them with jump packs unless you have 15 DC with a chappy. Also on that note, while the LR is an unstoppable monster 14 armor all around, occasionally it does get popped open. And in that case their foot slogging.


I keep a storm raven in every list 1500+ because its our best AA. With a small jump pack squad I can fit them in the SR if I feel like it. I generally don't, because that means their not doing assaults till turn 3. 


Finally 5 of them(6 with Lem) in a 1500+ list some of my opponents over look them for other fat things in the army, like mephy or my libby dread. And I'd gladly have mephy take a wound or two to allow those monsters to get in CC with something. 


I've never tried poding them, but I guess that's really list dependent. I wouldn't because I don't like 6' moves, but again its list/personality dependent.

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I agree with much of the above replies. Jump packs or a Land Raider Crusader or Redeemer, bolt pistols and chainswords mostly. Rhinos and Razorbacks are pointless. With jump packs they're expensive but tough! 5 Attacks on the charge with re-rolls to hit and wound with a Chaplain...even with nothing but bolt pistols and chainswords, you're going to kill stuff. I generally take a Powerfist for about every 5-7 guys, to take out tougher stuff. Hand flamers are meh. And even with Overwatch and 6th edition rules, I'd rather have a Powerfist than an Infernus Pistol.


A giant blob of jump pack DC with a Chaplain/Reclusiarch is ridiculously expensive but really fun!

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