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IA: Purifiers


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Battle-Brother Hakan 3rd Company 2nd Squad (Tactical)

INDEX ASTARTES : - Purifiers




Just one of numerous chapters of the 21st founding so are also the Purifiers despite what their name may imply also a chapter filled with flaws. Having selected the gene-seed of the Red Talons and thus that of the Iron Hands for its purity the minds of the Mechanicus began their work. Not much is known about its goals, many believe they were working on enhancing the already superb vision, hearing and strength of the Astartes through manipulation of the gene-seed, to remove the scions of Manus's obsession with bodily weakness. The work began to yield successful results but what it ended as turned out to be completely different, possibly due to outside interference with the Mechanicus research or by the members of the Mechanicus themselves who thought that doing this to such a lineage could cause them to lose valuable allies in the sons of Manus by removing their obsession of steel by improving their natural bodies.
The chapter whose gene-seed and training cadre hailed from were no other than that of the Red Talons, chosen for their brutality and unflinching nature.



[To be written]




As a Codex adherent chapter so do they have knowledge of numerous ways of waging war but  favor both the use of flame based weaponry as it ensures that rot and impurities disappear and close range weaponry such as chainswords as only in close combat can an Astartes prove himself a worthy heir of Manus. Inherited from their Red Talons gene-fathers so do the Purifiers strive for perfection in the art of war, planning each stage of the operation into minute detail, making sure everything is on time and to smite the enemy like a massive unstoppable avalenche.


Purifier marines see the Codex as a tome of great logic, effectiveness and calculated wisdom. Traits that their Primarch himself encouraged.
Thus the Purifiers are divided and organized as most Codex chapters, the main deviations of the Codex are mainly aesthetic.
Despite this so do the Purifiers preferring to wage war against their foes eye to eye, blade to blade, only in close combat can a Space Marine and particularly so one of Manus's sons prove themselves worthy, following the example of Ferrus on the fields of Istvaan.




Like most sons of Ferrus the Purifiers abhorr weakness in all of its forms, mutations, lack of spirit. People or better yet beings who do not stand up for themself are seen as worthless, leeching from the strong, impurities that need to be purged like impurities in iron is hammered out. Due to their condition most of the Marines will have some form of flaw, how severe it is varies. Because of this Astartes of the Purifiers never remove their helmets infront of other Chapters or any other Imperial organisations, even to their fellow sons of Manus. Amongst themselves they wear great cowls and veils to cover up their features.
Because of their genetic instability that only serves to showcase the weakness of flesh so do the Purifiers see machines as the pinnacle of Mankinds future. Ridding their frail and broken bodies in favor of cold hard steel and machinery to always be able to fight for the Emperor.
Another effect of their condition is their focus on mental strength, for their minds are the only part of their natural bodies they can count on.

As the final stage of initiation so do the Purifiers replace their right hand with a mechanical one, from that moment forth, only the worthy and strong may receive additional augmentations, those of great feats this causes the Marines to outperform each others on the field of battle, those most valourous and skilled may be allowed to surgically remove their afflicted bodypart and replace it with pure steel. For those who fall, with no great accomplishment or right for a bionic that could save his life, there are no pity or remorse, their gene-seed extracted to hopefully be part of a stronger man, a worthier man.

As successors of the Red Talons who infamously purged their Moriae schismatics instead of letting them live on to join the Sons of Medusa so do the Purifiers follow the Martian Orthodoxy, Tech-heresy and schismatics are to be chastised and cleansed if discovered. Because of this attitude so do the Purifiers avoid the Sons of Medusa and other Chapters who hold similar views to them.


As the sons of Ferrus Manus so were their gene-seed pure but many believed their hate of weakness to be a flaw that manifested as a psychological issue, thus the Priests of Mars were tasked with removing this by tampering with the Astartes brain chemistry and eventually succeded, other modifications of the gene-seed were enhancement of the Lyman's ear and Occulobe to increase hearing and vision. What happened later is not known if it was the result of outside forces corrupting the gene-seed or if members of the Mechanicus dismayed by their task of proving flesh stronger than machine sabotaged their own work. What is known however is that after some time of the organs being implanted into an aspirant so do they begin to fail. The Sus-an membrane creating a chemical reaction with the brain resulting in the Larraman organ to instead of creating pure scar tissue to instead create lumpy, pus-filled tissue, never really healing properly and slowly spreading across the marine until he is completely covered in this or until the very limbs themselves begin to break and fall off.          



The Purifiers do not have any official battle cry, indeed they rarely cry anything during battles. Instead preferring to let the symphony of bolters and the humming of chainswords speak for them. Indeed the only times a Purifier marine speak on the voxcaster is to speak with someone who do not have access to their internal vox or when a Chaplain shouts litanies of hate.

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INDEX ASTARTES : - Purgers - Purifiers (Some ideas I had, maybe you have other suggestions?)

Purifiers is an excellent name with a storied history. Purgers sounds like a bunch of bulimics (Purgators, OTOH, might work).

Outline: Iron Hands or Sons of Medusa descendant from the 21st founding (is it possible to have the Sons of Medusa as their founding chapter when the Sons officially became their own chapter after the 21st founding?


Like many Ferrus Manus chapters they abhorr weakness and mutants, though they themself are marred with impurities with their geneseed that causes them to look like lepers and having skin and limbs peel of of them (I know that leprosy do not cause limbs to fall of but that is the stereotype) Mutations could be the result of genetic tampering during the 21st founding, the people responsible interested to see if it is possible to remove the 'fear of flesh' from Astartes with Ferrus Manus geneseed by increasing their strength, hearing and eyesight, all of these being mutated causing eventual deafness and blindness. Crusading chapter on a quest for something. Not a whole lot to comment on right now I know.

An interesting concept, though I would have expected them to mess with the brain first. That compulsion doesn't seem to be a rational one, after all.

Like most sons of Ferrus the X's abhorr weakness in all of its forms, mutations, lack of spirit. People or better yet beings who do not stand up for themself are seen as worthless, leeching from the strong, impurities that need to be purged like impurities in iron is hammered out.

So how do they feel about themselves, then?


* * *


What are you looking to accomplish, here? What do you want your chapter to be like? How much do you want to write?

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Octavulg, on 10 Mar 2013 - 06:41, said:snapback.png

Purifiers is an excellent name with a storied history. Purgers sounds like a bunch of bulimics (Purgators, OTOH, might work).

Hm, a chapter of bulimics is something someone else can have. I will go for Purifiers then.

(Purgators, OTOH, might work).No.

Perhaps I could possibly phrase it like this instead? Descendants of Iron Hands of the Moraie dissidents/members if that do not work I guess I will go with the 'regular' Iron Hands.

An interesting concept, though I would have expected them to mess

with the brain first. That compulsion doesn't seem to be a rational one,

after all.

True, though I am not sure how doing things with the brain would eventually cause them to become leper-like.

So how do they feel about themselves, then?

As impurities that can only be fixed by steel, pretty much like regular Iron Hands though I do not really want them to be Iron Hands 2.0, I want them to be their own 'unique' chapter.

* * *

What are you looking to accomplish, here? What do you want your chapter to be like? How much do you want to write?

Well, my main idea was a chapter full of "leper's" of the stereotypical limb falling off variety. Could be interesting if they were a Blood Angel successor but I prefer the Iron Hands chapter.

What I want the chapter to be like; Crusading, callous almost Darwinist but that seems to be what the Iron Hands are mostly about and I do not really know how to make them stand out and not be clones in a sense.

I:E Crusading, callous, purifieing the galaxy of mutants and other unacceptable things, far more individual looking rather than the clean looking Iron Hands who I for the most part see as not adorning themself with their own heraldry etc.

How much writing I want to do? As much as possible I guess, this could be a fun and learning past time.

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Perhaps I could possibly phrase it like this instead? Descendants of Iron Hands of the Moraie dissidents/members if that do not work I guess I will go with the 'regular' Iron Hands.

The thing is, the Sons of Medusa article tells us repeatedly how massively rare and unusual and borderline heretical this sort of thing is (Forge World does this stuff just to give me hives, I swear).


So it happening AGAIN, with the same bunch of Marines would seem...very unlikely.

True, though I am not sure how doing things with the brain would eventually cause them to become leper-like.

It wouldn't. But the thing to remember with the Cursed FOunding is that they're always trying to accomplish something. So if they want to solve the Iron Hands' problem, what's the easiest way to go about it?


You could easily make it a brain thing by explaining how they fixed the psychological flaw through manipulation of brain chemistry, but instability in the brain chemistry inevitably develops, which causes whichever organ you mentioned to go nuts.

As impurities that can only be fixed by steel, pretty much like regular Iron Hands though I do not really want them to be Iron Hands 2.0, I want them to be their own 'unique' chapter.

Good metaphor, but I'm not sure what you mean. I mean, your Marines basically rot away into complete uselessness. For a chapter that doesn't believe in dead weight, that's got to lead to interesting practices.

What I want the chapter to be like; Crusading, callous almost Darwinist but that seems to be what the Iron Hands are mostly about and I do not really know how to make them stand out and not be clones in a sense.


I:E Crusading, callous, purifieing the galaxy of mutants and other unacceptable things, far more individual looking rather than the clean looking Iron Hands who I for the most part see as not adorning themself with their own heraldry etc.


How much writing I want to do? As much as possible I guess, this could be a fun and learning past time.

Hmmm. Since I literally just finished writing a guide to writing those little blurbs in C:SM, I'd commend writing one of those to you. Focuses the mind well.


That said: well, first they lack the Iron Hand's problems. Perhaps they're a little overconfident, even - proud. Heraldry, individual accomplishments. Smug bastards. Then, of course, they start rotting.


Personally, I think an obvious way to go with that would be that they believe the rot is a symptom of individual failure in the particular marine. So there's lots of trying to hide it if it develops, those who get the symptoms are shunned, mistreated, and even murdered, that sort of thing.


Boom. Rotting, pride, Iron Hands-but-not-Iron Hands.

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Adding the text here for the moment. QQ is welcome.


ORIGIN: One of the unknown many chapters of the 21st founding and are also sons of Ferrus Manus. The aim of the

Purifiers chapter was to eliminate the psychological flaw of the Iron Hands where they shunned the flesh due to a perceived weakness of it,  at least that was the goal. The Chapter was founded primarily to counter the growing influence of Chaos. Their gene-seed father are the Brazen Claws and while it is true that only one chapter is their true biological donor so was their training cadre composed of members from various Ferrus Manus chapters.


I finally chose the Brazen Claws to be the primogenitor chapter. Also, I have not read anywhere that there can not be members from multiple chapters that form the training cadre of new chapters.




Fleet based
The Purifiers chapter are fleet based and recruit from a few worlds that are similar in the sense that they all are hive worlds, the recruits being gangs from the depths of those massive complexes.

Added a little segment, just to have something there at the moment.


"Like impurities in steel are hammered out, so are impurities of the flesh burnt."

Purifier Astartes favor the use of flame based weaponry as it ensures that rot and impurities disappear.


Added a little segment, just to have something there at the moment.

Fire plays a part in the chapters culture and rituals.


Through the influence of their training cadre and subsequent experiences so do the Purifiers divide themself in three separate clans who are mostly autonomous. Within those three clans there are the somewhat codex compliant companies , each clan having their own battle, support and tactical company with scout auxiliaries divided mostly equally throughout the clans. This influence came mostly from the Sons of Medusa members of the training cadre. The chapter is divided this way so that each part can seek out as much fame and glory as possible.


I like the way the Sons of Medusa organized themself, not too deviant and not too traditional either. Like Goldylock would have said, 'it is just right'.



BELIEF: Like most sons of Ferrus the X's abhorr weakness in all of its forms, mutations, lack of spirit. People or better yet beings who do not stand up for themself are seen as worthless, leeching from the strong, impurities that need to be purged like impurities in iron is hammered out. Due to their condition most of the Marines will have some form of flaw, how much of it varies. Nevertheless, Marines with the deformed skin will be shunned by his fellow Astartes and try to hide their weaknesses from the rest.
Far from the highly uniformed Iron Hands so is the Purifiers rather individualistic, Marines commonly adorn their armour with inscriptions or symbols of their various feats and accomplishments and most display their own heraldry. Though unlike those differences so are the Purifiers like their brother sons of Manus in the way that they abhorr physical and mental weaknesses, people or even xenos that do not resist are seen as living failures, anything that is weak needs to be cleansed with fire so that the strong can live and prosper.

Through this belief comes also self-loathing and mistrust and even hatred from their Chapter brothers when a Marine develops the mutations that in a literal sense sunder the chapter.

Stricken members go to great lengths to hide their symptoms which they believe are a result of their actions, their failures.

Self branding is one way of trying to cover their symptoms, by branding the parts of their bodies not yet affected by the deformed skin they try to halt it from spreading further, those with skin deformities on the face wear a veil when not wearing a helmet.


This hatred of weakness and impurities have often caused Marines to punish the afflicted by mistreatment and in some cases even going so far as to murder each other. Such is the way of weakness, it can not be allowed to spread.                     Not everyone in the Purifiers chapter are entitled to receive bionics, only the worthy and strong may receive those augmentations, those of great feats this causes the Marines to outperform each others on the field of battle, those most valourous and skilled may be allowed to surgically remove their afflicted bodypart and replace it with pure steel. Bodyparts once finally removed are burned in a ritual where the amputee are to place his former limb on a pyre, various differences exist depending on what bodypart is being burned.


The arm being burned is often held by the amputee, so that he may witness the weakness of his old limb and the strength of the new one. The flames causing no damage to his metal arm but melting the skin and flesh of his old one.

Added a belief section, the main issues I can see right now is how their hate and all that towards each other impacts their battle abilities. More or less "Hello Bob how are you? Ahh your skin! PURGE" that is not really healthy, so maybe I should rewrite that or something.

Many believed that the Iron Hands beliefs regarding the human flesh was a flaw in their gene-seed that manifested as a psychological issue, thus the Priests of Mars were tasked with eliminating that flaw by tampering with the brain chemistry and they eventually succeded. Though it is just a matter of time before the brain goes instable causing the Sus-an Embrane to have a chemical reaction with the brain causing the affected Astartes skin to look scaly and deformed until it finally starts falling of. It is the reactions of the brain that causes the Larraman organ to create the almost rotting-looking skin. Instead of creating pure scar tissue it makes the skin lump up. There are also minor flaws with the Lyman's ear and Occulobe causing decreased hearing and vision and leading to complete deaf and blindness in some cases.                                  

The Purifiers's Primarch is Ferrus Manus via the Brazen Claws chapter.   

Perhaps this sounds better? I still have the blind and deaf part but it is a minor issue compared to the skin part but I imagine doing things with peoples brains could also affect these senses.

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I finally chose the Brazen Claws to be the primogenitor chapter. Also, I have not read anywhere that there can not be members from multiple chapters that form the training cadre of new chapters.

Little is known about it, but it would seem a strange choice - they might not get along, for starters.

I like the way the Sons of Medusa organized themself, not too deviant and not too traditional either. Like Goldylock would have said, 'it is just right'.

The Sons of Medusa and the rest of the Iron Hands don't get along. Indeed, the other chapters apparently killed all of their Moiraean heretics. And you think they'd be all chummy and train a chapter together?


Besides, the SoM aren't a chapter yet - how could they be part of a training cadre?


The rest needs some polish, basically. Leave it for a week or two, come back to it, that sort of thing. Think about how their curse will impact the chapter, different ways to have that come across, etc.

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Perhaps I could possibly phrase it like this instead? Descendants of Iron Hands of the Moraie dissidents/members if that do not work I guess I will go with the 'regular' Iron Hands.

The thing is, the Sons of Medusa article tells us repeatedly how massively rare and unusual and borderline heretical this sort of thing is (Forge World does this stuff just to give me hives, I swear).

Indeed, for example how the Fire Angels have been trained by cadre drawn from multiple Chapters.

Btw, I'm fairly certain there was almost identical Chapter in the Liber Honorus Index but I can't remember the name nor find the article.sweat.gif


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  • 1 month later...

I have been gone for awhile but now I have resumed work on these guys, updated some of the sections and added a colour scheme, I may have broken the rule heraldry by adding yet another chapter that uses the colours red, black and white, hopefully the scheme itself makes up for it.

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There is no set rule on the use of red/black ... that's just Octy's thing.  Oddly enough though, these guys look exactly like my Stygian Angels (minus the helmet and knee red) ... just saying.


Yup and woops, though I made my colour scheme on the 1st of April. Hm this is awkward.

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Since I'm here, I'll give it a look.



One of the unknown many chapters of the 21st founding and are also sons of Ferrus Manus.
"Unknown many chapters" just sounds so wrong.  How about "One of the unnumbered many chapter" or just "One of the many chapters", or maybe, "One of the uncounted number of chapters."
I mean, they're not really unknown after all.


The aim of the Purifiers chapter was to eliminate the psychological flaw of the Iron Hands where they shunned the flesh due to a perceived weakness of it, at least that was the goal.


Who in the Imperium really sees this as a flaw that needs correcting?



The chapter as a whole DOES not have a homeworld, instead preferring their chapter fleet, this is so that there is no vulnerable and static location to be defended and so that the chapter may continue on their quest to retrieve the head and if possible the entirety of their Primarch's remains.


Does not do.


Also, only recruiting from a limited number of does kinda keep you locked into the area of those planets.  Just saying.




Those are the big questions I have for you.  Also, there are a lot of error in verbage throughout ... "emphasis lie",  "chapter ... do", etc.


Still a promising IA to be sure.

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Not only that, I don't think the obsession with cybernetics is a genetic legacy of the Iron Hands. It was just part of their culture. There is no overarching trend of Iron Hands successors sharing that philosophy. Your fluff is rather interesting, but I think tying it into the idea of there being some kind of genetic predisposition to being all "flesh is weak" is somewhat incongruous with the fluff. 

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  • 11 months later...

Reviving the thread as I am resuming work on these guys.



Since I'm here, I'll give it a look.



One of the unknown many chapters of the 21st founding and are also sons of Ferrus Manus.
"Unknown many chapters" just sounds so wrong.  How about "One of the unnumbered many chapter" or just "One of the many chapters", or maybe, "One of the uncounted number of chapters."
I mean, they're not really unknown after all.


The aim of the Purifiers chapter was to eliminate the psychological flaw of the Iron Hands where they shunned the flesh due to a perceived weakness of it, at least that was the goal.


Who in the Imperium really sees this as a flaw that needs correcting?



The chapter as a whole DOES not have a homeworld, instead preferring their chapter fleet, this is so that there is no vulnerable and static location to be defended and so that the chapter may continue on their quest to retrieve the head and if possible the entirety of their Primarch's remains.


Does not do.


Also, only recruiting from a limited number of does kinda keep you locked into the area of those planets.  Just saying.




Those are the big questions I have for you.  Also, there are a lot of error in verbage throughout ... "emphasis lie",  "chapter ... do", etc.


Still a promising IA to be sure.


Well I'd imagine some Inquisitors and other Imperial officials would not be so keen about the Iron Hands and their views and would therefore try to convince the Mechanicus during the cursed founding to do this to their gene-seed.

Wether or not the resulting mutations were an accident or if the Mechanicus caused them because they are unwilling to forfeit a great source of gene-seed from which valuable allies can be made.



only that, I don't think the obsession with cybernetics is a genetic
legacy of the Iron Hands. It was just part of their culture. There is no
overarching trend of Iron Hands successors sharing that philosophy.
Your fluff is rather interesting, but I think tying it into the idea of
there being some kind of genetic predisposition to being all "flesh is
weak" is somewhat incongruous with the fluff. 


What I've read so do the Iron Hands beliefs stem from before and during the Horus Heresy and while it may not be genetical it is psychological and like in the real world, many children take after the beliefs of their parents as that is what they are taught to believe. My intention is to curse them by having their gene-seed work great, increasing hearing, vision, smell, sense of touch, strength, speed etc. In order to convince the Purifiers that the flesh is not so weak after all and then the mutations kick in, resulting in decaying vision and hearing, wounds not healing properly and instead of scar tissue pus filled spots form instead that refuse to go away.


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That's...  That's really the color scheme you're going with, huh?


Half purple, half black, white arms, incredibly ornate shoulder pad designs...


You do know how small a space marine figure actually is, right?


I do, I do not actually intend do make these on the tabletop. :P

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  • 1 year later...


Any chance you're still working on this?


Well, I am thinking of working on it. So thats something at the very least.

Been lurking this forum not bothering to log on until now.

Got stuck with how to proceed.


Believe in yourself! Finish the IA! Achieve beautiful things! Let me go home!

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