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Alternate Slaaneshi Models (NSFW, of course)


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This is a brainstorming thread.


Personally, I can't stand the GW Slaanesh Daemon miniatures. Slaanesh is all about excess, correct? Beauty, sex, violence, emotion, etc to the maximum thresholds imaginable... this is not possible with 70 year old purple crossdressers on farming combines and jar-jar binks dinosaurs. If anything, these GW models make me facepalm and cringe in excess.


I essentially want to mix sexual allure and S&M with the relentless violence and horror of Silent Hill. My vision fits GW Dark Eldar morso than GW Slaanesh. As a result, I have the desire to find more suiting miniatures from other companies. After a caffeine-induced evening of searching, these are the best of the best that I have found. Feel free to contribute any others designed with similar style.


Keeper of Secrets (Mierce Miniatures, "Euryalia, Queen of Ker-Ys")



Daemonettes (Raging Heroes Miniatures, "Preying Mantis")



Sorcerer, Lord, Herald, or Daemon Prince (Hell Dorado Miniatures, "Eurynome")

This guy is like a S&M puppetmaster... LOVE IT!



Herald (Hell Dorado Miniatures, "Succubus")



Daemon Prince (Pegaso Miniatures, "Kuvar Reaper")



Not a miniature... just nice concept art:



  • Any ideas for Seekers of Slaanesh? Not a fan of the dinosaur mount

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I completely understand you, I hate GW models too. But...


Check this out. Euryalia is twice as tall as official KoS. Until GW will release new Greater Daemon models (according to rumours they will be much larger) this model will better suit as replacement of FW Apocalypse-sized KoS.


Daemonettes from Raing Heroes are really good, I have 20 myself and can suggest them to everyone.


Check out what I did with my GW daemonettes. In addition, I've cut their faces and made them flat, leaving only eyes, like nurses from Silent Hill.


For Fiends I'm planning to use Canoptek Wrath tails with Daemonette upper body.

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Raging Heroes make s one excellent models ---- their wyches are quite cool, too.

Also Wyrd Miniatures makes some interesting stuff for their Malifaux game which could be used for conversions at least.

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I completely understand you, I hate GW models too. But...


Check this out. Euryalia is twice as tall as official KoS. Until GW will release new Greater Daemon models (according to rumours they will be much larger) this model will better suit as replacement of FW Apocalypse-sized KoS.


Daemonettes from Raing Heroes are really good, I have 20 myself and can suggest them to everyone.


Check out what I did with my GW daemonettes. In addition, I've cut their faces and made them flat, leaving only eyes, like nurses from Silent Hill.


For Fiends I'm planning to use Canoptek Wrath tails with Daemonette upper body.


What do you use for seekers?

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