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conversion help


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So i'm trying to convert a whole load of rat ogres into plague ogryn and i have a problem with the conversions. the plague ogryn get no guns so i'm a bit stuck about what i can convert to make them look 40k


any ideas?

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no i mean plague ogryn only hve cow so i cant give em guns. ork bionics is a cool idea, i'm going to LGS tomorrow and they might let me rummage in the big bitz box.


so far i'm doing ok sticking some chain blades on em and hand swapping for lightning claws

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Well, the Forge World Plague Ogryn have remnants of rebreathers that seem to have become absorbed into their bodies. Perhaps all you need do is add some ribbed pipes, etc to their musculature. Also, a triple arrangement of bionic eyes would look suitably Techy and Nurglesque.

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