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Hi all,


I'm a newbie to the Forum and just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone.


I've been playing Warhammer 40K since it was first published (as you can probably tell by looking at some of the models in my armies) and playing WFB since 2nd Edition.


I'm currently playing Marines (of course), Imperial Guard, Beasts of Chaos, Warriors of Chaos and got a bunch of other armies in boxes waiting to be renovated (I buy lots of "junk" from ebay and fix it up).


I'm just taking a break from working on my Marines in order to prepare for a WFB Siege I've got coming up in a few months time. Still got loads to do on the Marines, but if anyone's interested, you can find the current army displayed on my Blog (http://wargames-wasteland.blogspot.co.uk/) as well as my Imperial Guard army too. Loads of really old models in both of them, for those with long memories (the Guard even have a number of female troopers and a now very, very rare Beastman Trooper).


Anyway - hello!


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Thanks, -Max-.

Just had a look through your gallery: Your Forge Fiend conversion with the Sentinel cab is superb! Nice work.

That's just a Photoshop mock-up, though I very nearly did construct one like that. Instead I went with this conversion, which is a good segue into talking about one of my favorite features of the B+C: the PCA Forums. I like to recommend to new folks that they start their own thread in the the WIP subforum or the Hall of Honour subforums. We like to inspire and encourage one another here! It's a great way to maintain motivation when painting your army. smile.png

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Thanks, all for the welcomes.


I've had a look at the PCA and Hall of Honour sections - some ace stuff there. I'm going to get myself organised and upload some piccies of my Marines at some point soon: because of the nature of the way I collect minis (i.e. I'm cheap and buy lots of junk off ebay and hack it into shape) there are always loads of conversions in my armies. I've already uploaded a pics into a thread called "Magnetizing Rhinos" which I wrote showing one of the chop-jobs in my army. I've got others to show too, including an original Land Raider with a complete sponson-replacement. I'll upload the pics in due course. In the meantime if you're interested you can see them on my blog (linked below).

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