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Children of Barbarus List and Pic (heavy)


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I am making a subfaction of the death guard its my own warband called children of barbarus. And they will be my army for the legio throwdown which is a competition at my local gaming club http://legiomalaysia.blogspot.com/. A lot of the models will be recycled from my old csm parts, and bits i have been collecting over the years. I taught this competition will be a great way to paint a full army!
I am very much a mech base player, kinda taught to play that way from the days of rhino rush galore. Although I know DG does not use much mobility I kinda altered it to my taste. In the 2200pts version its pretty much the same except 2 units of 14 CSM walking. In the 2200pts version it does look more DGish... 

Children of Barbarus 1750pts 

HQ: Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour
1 Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour + Mark of Nurgle + Black mace

HQ: Sorcerer apoptosis Level 2
1 Sorcerer + Mark of Nurgle + Increase Mastery Level 2 + Chaos Bike + Gift of mutation + melta bomb

Elite: Chaos Terminators
5 Chaos Terminators + Mark of Nurgle + Combi-Plasma x2
1 Terminator Champion + Mark of Nurgle

Troops: Plague Marines
6 Plague Marines + Meltagun x2
1 Plague Champion + Power Fist + Combi Plasma

Troops: Plague Marines
6 Plague Marines + Meltagun x2
1 Plague Champion + Power Fist + Combi Plasma
Troops: Cultists
13 cultist 8 autogun + 1 stubber
1 Cultist Champion
Fast Attack: Chaos Bikers
4 bikers + Mark of nurgle + 2x Plasma Rifle
1 Biker Champion + melta bomb + Lightning Claw + Gift of Mutation 

Fast Attack: Blight Drone of Nurgle (IA)
1 Blight Drone of Nurgle (IA)

Fast Attack: Blight Drone of Nurgle (IA)
1 Blight Drone of Nurgle (IA)

Heavy Support: Obliterator
3 Obliterator + Mark of Nurgle
total 1750pts
I just got my last bits i need for my army witht he arrival of the second hand chaos bikers n obliterators. Cant wait to get them all fix up!
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Lookin' good there, Harvarn. Gnarly plasma-claw.

In general the list looks fine, if not overtly threatening. A few niggling points: I am not sold on the Blight Drones in 6th. If you are able to get them to work, more power to you, but 2 hull points and low AV are an unhealthy combination.

Also, are you seeing a lot of mech in your local meta? I notice your PM squads are all kitted out with melta.

Lastly, what role do you plan on having for your sorcerer?

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Thanks, Ive used the blight drones in 5 games now I think they work ok, I use them for target softening although at bs2 a bad scatter roll will send their battle cannon shot wayy off, The reaper cannon has some minor uses as an AA weapon. Once the blightdrone dispatched a squad of 8 pathfinders that was in 2+ cover it came in and flame them to nurgle. It goes for havocs / dev squads, objective squads, sometimes elite units. 


The meltas are there cause In theory I lack anti tank weapons and being my elite tact unit they should be able to play the role of anti tank, or anti inf.

For the sorcerer its more cause i painted it nicely and kinda need to have it for the sake of having it lol. But it does give more utilities and firepower to the bike squad it uses 1nurgle power 1 biomancy power.

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