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A "counts as" question


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Hello ^_^


I've been wanting to make a Counts as model for my Rainbow Warriors army and wanted for opinions on what I'd like to do.


I want to have a Chaplain on a mount, but rather than have a typical bike, I want to keep "in theme" (i.e. Aztec/Mayan/Incan, as my version use elements from them) and use a Cold one from Warhammer Fantasy.  I realise that the likelihood of it being "legal" in a tournament is low and I doubt I'd enter one, so no problems there.  I'd prefer to use Codex: Space Marines as they are Ultra Marine successors, but I know there might be a possibility of using Codex: Space Wolves (although I don't have that codex, so I'd appreciate input from anyone who does).  Would anyone object?  In my own mind I can't see why, as the model is hardly cheating regarding line of sight etc, and I'd use a standard bike base,  but what do others think?

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I suspect that most players and tournament organisers would be fine with this. The bike and cavalry rules are very similar in this edition - the main difference is the turbo boost and toughness increase - both of which could be explained with a little conversion work. Like you said the model would be about the same size as a biker (probably a big taller - advantage to your opponent) and unless you are space wolves or chaos marines there is nothing else the mount could realistically be.


I say go for it!

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I suspect that most players and tournament organisers would be fine with this. The bike and cavalry rules are very similar in this edition - the main difference is the turbo boost and toughness increase - both of which could be explained with a little conversion work. Like you said the model would be about the same size as a biker (probably a big taller - advantage to your opponent) and unless you are space wolves or chaos marines there is nothing else the mount could realistically be.


I say go for it!


I figured as much, thanks for the quick reply ^_^  I did wonder how I'd model the double bolters on the Cold one (although, I'd be prepared to just not use them, for the sake of the "Rule of Cool" ;) )


In any case, the vast majority of the bitz are on the way, I just have to work out how to get a right armed Crozius without resorting to buying a Finecast model and hacking it up.  I may try to scratch build one.


Thanks again ^_^

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Play as per space wolf codex and use them as TW cav otherwise drape them with GS over the neck/shoulders as double bolters.


Would it be legal for a Chaplain/Wolf Priest to ride a Thunder Wolf?  I'm sorely tempted to get a C:SW anyway, being a former Son of Russ (well, I say former - you can take the Wolf out of the Fang... ;) ), but I'd prefer to use C:SM in this case.

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My rule of conversions (and seeing how much I converted my Biker Captain, Emperor knows I need one) is that if your going to make something count as something else, it should at least look like it can stack up against the real deal. Im not sure how tournaments would do it but as an example, my Captain has a Sword-type Relic Blade Wargear-wise, but since theres no official unique Relic Blade Sword as far as I know and the Power Sword felt a bit weedy (and partly because I really wanted him to hold a chainsword), I made a massive Chain-broadsword out of four chainsword blades, the hilt of Sammael's sword and a generous helping of GS. Im not sure how this will get past any tournament guys but the people who have seen it havent raised any bones about it yet (I'll probably need to have a game before I can test that out though).


For replacing a Bike with a Cold One, what you may be able to do to get past the tournament rules is to model the Bolters onto the harness on either side of the mount's head, then GS an ammo hose leading up to something resembling an ammo box on the back of the saddle (Devastator backpacks on either side might work if you can get them on). as for a Right Handed Crozius, what I did to get the Relic Blade counts-as right was to cut off the Power Sword Arm's hand and stick Sammy's on, you may be able to take a right hand wielding a sword or something and cut the necessary pieces off to replace the sword blade with the Crozius, the hilt of the sword would still work as the rod of the Crozius with possibly some minor design fudging.


Thats all I can recommend, I dont claim any of this has been said with any degree of experience so don't quote me on anything.

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