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World eaters

Fire Golem

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Im currently reading betrayer, and i have discovered a few things.

Angron is a badass,

what i thought was a boring, one dimensional legion is actually tragic and interesting,

the pre heresy world eaters colour scheme is the best looking ever.


I play CSM and have yet to decide how to paint them, so i guess my question is, in a roundabout way, would the CSM models look good painted in the pre heresy WE scheme? :) Thanks

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I think so, yes. perhaps add brass trim. 

P.s  I've not read betrayer yet but I'm glad to say I now look forward to it more than I had before. 

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I agree with Shuggnuggath - gunmetal would look better on the trimmings IMHO.


But otherwise, go for your life! If you're not sure about the colour scheme, paint up a couple of test models and see how it looks in the flesh.

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I think gunmetal would look better than brass on a blue and white model, less obtrusive.


Well gunmetal would work although I'm not entirely sure I agree. My thought was that Brass would be a nice touch because if I remember correctly, Khorn sits atop a throne of brass. It's how i'd show a world eater slowly adapting himself to the patronage of the blood god! I'm a bit Fluffy like that. perhaps if you could base the trimmings in gunmetal and then layer up a bronzing colour?


This is a Forge world example I like; in case you've not seen it - 




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  • 2 weeks later...

Just yesterday, I painted up some Chaos Models in Preheresy World Eaters colours. 

I used brass for the chaos trim, but mainly because I love using the colour , Khorne likes brass and the World Eaters use brass trim and helmets to show veterans so seemed to fit.

Would like to see how they look with boltgun.


These are just quick test marines,but you can see how the scheme would look. Never painted white before and it was not such as pain in the arse as I would have thought, need to add the weathering to stop them looking flat, never done that either so should be fun.



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