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Prometheus LR's Quad Heavy Bolter sponsons


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Got a little question for you all; well, to be more exact either
confirming or busting a theory of mine regarding the above weapon.....

Was always a little confused over how this worked since each of the two
heavy bolter pairs on a Prometheus sponson is counted as twin linked.
According to the rules in IA: Apocalypse 2, that is.
 Now, the closest comparison I can find is the Spartan with it's quad Lascannon
per sponson. This whole sponson becomes a Heavy 2 (as opposed to a
normal Heavy 1) with a re-roll for twin-linking.

If I take the above as the pattern for these things, does that mean a Prometheus
sponson becomes Heavy 6 with a reroll? A standard HB being Heavy 3.


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Hh betrayal is hh tho... I would have gone with same system as hurricane bolters and made it 2 x heavy 3 twin linked per sponson, rolling each 3 separately.

Why roll separately?  I'd just roll 6 dice for one sponson (12 for two) and reroll any misses.

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You're over-thinking the whole situation:

A LR Prometheus is armed with two sponsons, each equipped with two twin-linked Heavy Bolters (36"/5/4/Heavy 3).  These don't "become" anything.  The Prometheus is armed with a total of 4 TL Heavy Bolters.  This becomes important because, unlike the Hurricane Bolters in a LR Crusader which require just one Weapon Destroyed result to silence a sponson, the Prometheus requires two Weapon Destroyed results to silence each sponson.  As for the to-hit re-rolls, each of the four Heavy Bolters will re-roll all misses for being twin-linked.

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Hh betrayal is hh tho...

And yet quad heavy bolters would still be quad heavy bolters.


Which is a moot point as the Prometheus doesn't actually mount quad heavy bolters anyway, which really should have occurred to me earlier, I foolishly got hung up with thread title and Paladin7221's reference to quad lascannons...

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Ah, so there is a LR variant with "quad" heavy bolters. I always wished LRC could have that as an upgrade option (seeing as it didn't get it as stock to begin with). Would've been so much nicer tongue.png

But yeah, I found the stats for it and clearly it's 4 separate TL HBs, so a total of 12 twin-linked shots.

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Ah, so there is a LR variant with "quad" heavy bolters. I always wished LRC could have that as an upgrade option (seeing as it didn't get it as stock to begin with). Would've been so much nicer tongue.png

But yeah, I found the stats for it and clearly it's 4 separate TL HBs, so a total of 12 twin-linked shots.

Yeah, the only down-side to a Prometheus is it gives up any kind of long-range heavy firepower. It should have had a turret-mounted, twin-linked Lascannon with just a 6-man Transport Capacity (enough for a Commander and Command squad).

They're easy to kit-bash, also, so long as you have a couple of spare Heavy Bolter turrets from the Razorback kit.

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