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Chaos Biker Squads


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So here's the thing, I am having a bit of trouble deciding how i want to run my bikers.  As of right now I only have 6 total and I can't decide between two 3 man squads with Mark of Nurgle.  One with plasma and one with melta (for tank popping) or if I should run a 6 man squad with Mark of Khorne and get in for some early cc.


Here's currently what i have:



Chaos Lord


Black Mace


Nurgle Sorcerer



CSM x 7 plasma

CSM x 7 plasma

Cultists x 10 MoN autoguns

Cultists x 10 MoN autoguns



Chosen x 8


power axe

Lightning claw

Rhino (combiflamer/havoc)


Helbrute x1

twinlinked lascannon

power fist

Termi x 5


Power fist x3

Chain fist

Combimelta x2

Combimelta (champ)


Icon of Despair

Reaper autocannon


Heavy Support

Obliterators x3



And everything has Vets of the long war.  I realize that this may not be the greatest of set-ups but this is the best i could do with what i have at the moment to get up to 2000 pts.  Any tips on what I should do with my bikes would be greatly appreciated! :)

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>> this should probably go in the Army Lists section.


Bikes are good for several reasons:

- Speed

- Relentless

- Tough


So you want to build them around taking advantage of those things. Rapid-fire weapons like plasmaguns, a close combat Mark and a couple of nice power weapons. :D

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If your Chaos Lord has the Mark of Khorne he canot join the Biker unit if they have the Mark of Nurgle so rule that out right there. You can leave them unmarked and join and still be okay. Also might I suggest that if you take MoK on your Lord you go with the Axe of Fury instead of the Black Mace.


I personally prefer bigger Biker squads to small ones. I also tend to run Meltaguns because I want them to be able to pop a Land Raider or Rhino and then assault what comes out. This is my personal preference.

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I too am looking at some bikes. What I'm thinking is 2 groups of 4 or 5. (keeps the costs lower but fair survivability) One with either 2 plasma or 2 melta, and the other with 2 flamers. Both will probably have MoK. I'm thinking plasma over melta because that would benefit most from relentless, and I already have raptors (and chosen I usually infiltrate thanks to huron) with 2x melta, so having some plasma that's faster than my marines and able to assault the turn they rapid fire would be a huge boon. I also feel like 4 bikes with flamers would just be gross. Shoot up 12, burninate, hammer of wrath, and somewhere in the neighborhood 17 attacks sounds pretty good on paper, too.

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