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chaos command squad


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So i'm starting to get into the fluff of my army and there are a few second-in-command type characters which i really want to convert. The only problem is i can't really think of a cool way of playing them, we don't have a characterful squad like the space marine command squad. I could just have a squad of chosen but then they would all just be the same. 


anyone else have a similar problem? any solutions? 


n.b. my army is strictly nurgle only


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I have a squad of plague marines that act as a honour guard for my Nurgle Sorcerer, I am trying to model cloaks for all of them with green stuff as well as trying to give them more mutations to show their higher ranking in my army sticking out more basically they will be chosen, well in fluff anyway.


Basically it depends on how you run each second in command as it will kinda help with the squad the run with for example if they have bike or jump pack then they should go with a bike or raptor squad though if a power armour HQ then you can just put him in any squad be it plague marines, cultists or chaos marines with mark of Nurgle.


Can't wait to read your fluff for your army.

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i guess i mis-explained, i didn't mean like a sergeant that'd go run another squad, i mean like the lords retinue. so it'd be cool if the lord had his master duelist guy and his sorceror and his mediccy guy and his big strong dumb guy and his marksmanny guy, stuff like that

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Yeah, pretty much what Miko said.

I field my count-as Abaddon with his 10 men strong Chaos terminator retinue and a Sorcerer of Slaanesh in TDA. (Apocalypse or story driven games, mostly).

The Sorcerer count-as the first among his chosen, his closest bodyguard. He's not a commanding figure like the other lieutenants of my warband, but is only tasked with the security of Lord Serevor the Swordbreaker, and is absolutly loyal to his lord.

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Remember you've got a banner guy you can take.  most skip the nurgle banner since fear is useless, but it is still +1 combat res pretty cheap and another squad upgrade that helps add some character to your lord's retinue.

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Rather than having a bunch of costly HQs that are just not up to snuff, I just convert and make up stories for my rank n' file plague marines. The fact that their stats are not amazing doesn't bother me, since 40k rules are pretty bad at portraying nitty-gritty details.

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Would've been easier to portray lieutenants and characters if we'd gotten squad level upgrades in our squads like other codex books have but oh well.


I think the easiest way to portray individual warband lieutenants and characters is the TDA squad or chosen. Other than that we don't really have much unfortunately.

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Would've been easier to portray lieutenants and characters if we'd gotten squad level upgrades in our squads like other codex books have but oh well.


I think the easiest way to portray individual warband lieutenants and characters is the TDA squad or chosen. Other than that we don't really have much unfortunately.

Agreed, albeit IMO any champion and every single Legion terminator (and most warband terminators by far) is a Chosen by default. unit champions lead the squads for a reason, and they most often do so with the Generals blessing, thus being Chosen! ;)

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I commonly get a little jealous that other codexes get cool upgrades in the form of characters and such... then i have to challenge them with a wimpy champion. The best we can get is 3 characters in 1 unit. (2 hq and the champ) As someone mentioned, we can also take a banner carrier and special weapons. I think chosen or havocs would probably be best due to the amount of special weapon options you have, but I have to say this is likely at the cost of effectiveness if you are going super fluffy. I mean.. the sniper dude packs a lascannon because that's cool, and then the dualist has claws because that's cool.. but it's not really optimal. Also, you almost can't avoid taking bolter bodies, which doesn't really seem like an elite command squad soldier imo.

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I think, in large games, a sorc or a DA, make a good 2nd HQ.

Walker it sounds like the best solution to what you want is a squad of chosen. Lord and sorc, + chosen w LC's in duelist guy, chosen w pwr axxe is big strong dumb guy, chosen w plaz or melta is marksman guy,  etc.

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