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I want to like Chosen, but...


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The important thing to remember is that Terminators can take it as well as dish it out in CC. Unless you're up against something like a Jacobus Battle Conclave or a Repentia mob, you're looking at Terminators being a lot more likely to retain their 2+ save over the Chosens' 3+ that's going to be getting ignored by anyone with a sergeant.

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Thank you to everyone who posted on this thread, I appreciate all your thoughts and insights.  At the end of the day, it appears that there is a distinct lack of a consensus opinion regarding the viability of Chosen, and that's fine--I am personally conflicted about them myself; after all, that's why I asked the question in the first place!


After reading everyone's insights and thinking about it quite a bit, I've decided I will go ahead and include a Chosen squad in my Fell Brethren army list.  They'll be the most expensive unit in the list, and I suspect when I post the list they will be the unit that will be the most criticized, based on how divided the opinions were on this thread.  That said, I'm still going to include them for a couple of reasons.  First, the flavor text behind Chosen really speaks to me and fits nicely with what I am envisioning with The Fell Brethren; that's probably the most important reason.  Second, I already have the models for them from splitting the Dark Vengeance box set with my friend (he took the Dark Angels).  And third, they will be my anti-MEQ beat stick, tricked out to put the hurt on the Loyalists in close combat. 


The Fell Brethren list is now basically finished, and I expect to finalize in the next day or two and post for all to see when I can get my hands on my codex again and check my arithmetic before posting the final product.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think they can fill a couple roles.


The most obvious is fill them with plasma and make them a terminator counter unit.  Keep them squirreled away in a rhino until terminators drop in on you and then rapid fire away.  Same thing with melta guns as a dreadnought drop pod counter unit.


I also really like them in hand to hand.  Throw a power maul (or nothing) on the champion and it won't really matter if he gets sucked away in a challenge.  You'll have 4 more guys with a mix of power weapons and power fists waiting to dish out the pain.  They might be a glass cannon depending on what they're fighting.


Alas, all of the options above are really expensive and may not be points cost effective.

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Alas, all of the options above are really expensive and may not be points cost effective.


CC options definately aren't optimal.


Power Weapon Chosen - 33 points

Vanilla Terminator - 31 points


Both are same except that Termies are cheaper and have much better armor, plus they have TL bolters. How the hell could anyone defend CC Chosen is beyond me. "DV models are pretty" doesn't count.


On the other hand, 5 guys with 5 Plasmaguns shouldn't be bad if you spam them.

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Alas, all of the options above are really expensive and may not be points cost effective.


CC options definately aren't optimal.


Power Weapon Chosen - 33 points

Vanilla Terminator - 31 points


Both are same except that Termies are cheaper and have much better armor, plus they have TL bolters. How the hell could anyone defend CC Chosen is beyond me. "DV models are pretty" doesn't count.


We have a winner. Shame mind - because it'd be a great option. I suggest splitting them and using them as Champions.

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DV models ARE pretty!  And they make rockin' aspiring champions for your other units.


Best of both worlds!


It's a shame really - because to have a unit akin to Sternguard Veterans (or an equivalent choice) would be preferable... Alas.

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The problem with DV chosen as aspiring champions in CSM squads is that the proportions are all different, particularly the smaller backpack.  In a unit of just DV marines, the smaller backpacks make them look larger and more menacing.  Putting one DV marine in a squad of regular marine models just makes everything look wonky and weird.


I really hope the rumors of plastic cult troops sometime in the next year or two turn out to be true, both because it would give designers a chance to take another look at their rules and because it would give us a line of chaos marine bodies with the newer, better DV proportions and visual style to work with.  I have somewhere between eighty and a hundred power armored chaos infantry, and I'd give them all away and re-work my infantry from scratch if I had multipart plastic chaos power armored bodies to work with in the style of the new raptors and DV chosen.  A multipart chosen box would be ideal, but I'd make do even if I had to kitbash multiple cult unit boxes.



As for chosen as a unit - points efficiency matters.  A unit of chaos marines with extra attacks and power weapons is great in theory, but if they cost as much as terminators then they're pretty bad in practice.

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good for you vornus. Give chosen a try, see what happens. Some of the people that replied here act as if , once you put chosen in your army, you could never take them out again, it's ridiculous., I do agree that they work better as plaz spam (w maybe 2 pwr weapons) then all decked out for CC.

Have fun. If the sky falls in the next few days, I'll know it's because you dared to give chosen a try msn-wink.gif

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