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Hellbrute: Combi-bolters and heavy flamers

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I have a question about Hellbrutes.  Am I reading the codex wrong or do you have to have two powerfist to take either a combi-bolter or heavy flamer?


My iron warriors dreadnought I made like around 2003 was legal in the older chaos codexes in having a range weapon, 1 power fist and a heavy flamer.


Will this mean I need to remove the heavy flamer off the power fist arm?

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hmm , I see what you are saying 579, the wording in the dex is quite confusing/unclear. But no, I dont think u have to loose your hvy flamer, your dread is legal as is, you have "incorporated" one of your PF to have a hvy flamer (which is legal), the other are is a range weapon, which is also legal.

I just noticed they downed our dreads attacks from three down to two....golly gee, ..we have to deal with them going crazy and dont even get the xtra attck compaired to the loyalist dread ???

Are they (GW) trying to make absolutely sure no one uses a chaos dread ??

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To be honest, it is about the same as the loyalist version, and the rage table is not so bad. If you got an all-round dread (1 h.weapon and 1 pf) it's a 1/3 chance of the crazy table doing something you might not like, and even if it doesn't do what you want it to do, it might still do something good. 2/3 results will be better than what a loyalist gets, and truth to be told, they are pretty cheap, and are also small enough to hide behind terrain and rhinos (meaning their lack of inv.save is not such a big deal.


My last battle, my Dread got shot (glanced), assaulted, killed the assaulter in close combat, then I consolidated forwards. Now I had a crazy-marker and rolled, meaning he shot the closest thing twice, which was ok. He killed a terminator. Had I rolled a 2 on the table, I might have been able to assault them, and had I rolled a 3 I would have been more likely to assault them. The end result of all these would probably have been the same. 


As long as you get the Dread stuck in, the table tends to be mostly beneficial. A dread standing at the back however is at an advantage, and a pure cc dread might get stuck on the way in (has happened to me too. Now I only use all-round dreads).

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I use 3 with a mix on them, I've had good battle with them, I find mine get ignored till they start shooting and assaulting, I make sure they get stuck in and at 120-125 point(that the points cost of mine) I think that they are worth it


I don't find any think wrong with the wording in the dex

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