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Dave's Nurgley Nurgle Marines

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Hey all.... I've been out of the picture for quite some time :) In that time... I've turned from Loyalist to Heretic. Here are some shots of stuff I have done thus far :) Any feedback would be great guys! :)


To start with, Heres my Biker Lord, made entirley from my Bitz Box :)





Here are my Chosen,












And last but not least... My Helbrute; Worm Train




Thanks for looking guys, hope to hear what you think :)



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I like your painting ! I don't know if it is intended but the shades of green tends to make them look like ghosts, rather than rotten zombies. It is or would be an interresting interpretation of the death guard :)


I like your painting ! I don't know if it is intended but the shades of green tends to make them look like ghosts, rather than rotten zombies. It is or would be an interresting interpretation of the death guard :)

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Thank you for your kind words Astral :) The 'Ghostly' effect was not intended, but, I thought it looked good and dead, so I just followed it on :) Strangley enough, these are the easiest army I have painted so far, and also my personal favourite :) I'm currently working on a Sorcerer, hopefully I'll have him done and posted up in the next couple of days :)



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I like it Dave - although, the Lord appears to be a different colour to the rest of the models? Is this deliberate?


My one criticism would be that I feel you really need to pick out the trim to break up the green - it's a good and bold scheme, but I think you'll become oversaturated with it - and simply doing the trim helps it to bring out all the other elements of detail on the model that you have already coloured.


Can't wait to see more!

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