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6th ed Chaos Kill-team


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I went to a Kill Team event at Warhammer World back in December last year with a Chaos Kill Team consisting of 3 Terminators with different options and 12 Cultists with a mixture of weapons. If you do take cultists, then try and get MoT in the mix. It could add some extra survivability. I found myself loosing points with first blood because of the 6+ armour save. I'm going in three weeks time to the same event, this time running a 10 man squad of Chaos Space Marines with flamer and heavy bolter.

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Interesting, Edge of Infinity !

How were the Terminators ? Did they worked alright ?


Can you tell us more about your CSM squad you intent to bring to the table in three weeks ?

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I went to a Kill Team event at Warhammer World back in December last year with a Chaos Kill Team consisting of 3 Terminators with different options and 12 Cultists with a mixture of weapons. If you do take cultists, then try and get MoT in the mix. It could add some extra survivability. I found myself loosing points with first blood because of the 6+ armour save. I'm going in three weeks time to the same event, this time running a 10 man squad of Chaos Space Marines with flamer and heavy bolter.


A 6++ isn't really going to protect you from giving up first blood. Cover is better, and free.

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Vesper - Well, the unit worked well in combat, though they were essentially fire magnets. I was going for quick kills but unfortunately they didn't go to plan (nothing unusual on my end). Still, pair of lightning claws, power weapons and combi-bolters. LC had Rage special rule. 1 Power Weapon had rampage, other was a psychic. Psychic was actually quite fun. Smite being a really cool power to use especially against Guard. First and only win of the day was against Guard (same player beat me again on the second to last game). Still fun though.


Xenith - I realise, but it was my first event and the tables were always random so you couldn't really plan ahead.


As for my new Kill Team, I've got a squad of ten marines. Basic troops but 3+ armour save goes a long way. Now all have the Mark of Khorne. Champion has a power weapon and bolt pistol though I haven't attached the weapon so I might add a Boltgun. Could go with the pistol to add an extra attack. He'll also have Fleshbane and I've paid for Gift of Mutation. Unfortunately the new rules have dropped the option of choosing any of the USR. It's a certain list. Though I do agree with the idea of only having a select few rules. Meltaguns are not template weapons, and should not be allowed to have Torrent. I'm also running a specialist armed with a Flamer, and the Blind USR. My third specialist is armed with a Heavy Bolter who has the Relentless special rule. Four shorts and can fire without penalty when moving? Yes please.

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