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Need advice from fellow Angels of Death - Footslogging DC


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I'm adding Blood Angels allies into my Dark Angels army - mostly because I already own a stormraven and it's soooo much better than the DA flyers. I'm looking at taking a Death Company squad as my allied troops choice. I'm intrigued by an idea that's been tossed around on the DA board: joining our chapter master Azrael to the DC squad, giving them all a 4++ save. However, since Azrael has no jump pack and allies can't ride in each other's transports, that leaves the Azrael + Death Company team advancing on foot. Admittedly, they'll be pretty hardy (4++ and FnP together), but they won't be fast. Azrael can take a warlord trait that lets his squad roll an extra die and choose the highest for running distance, but that's still not especially fast.


So my question is: have any of you Blood Angels veterans used foot-slogging DC? Is this a viable idea, or do you think I'd be better off doing something more conventional with the DC and avoiding the Azrael combo?

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When 6th Edition first rolled out last Summer, I theorized about a counter-charge based BA that was all on Foot-- avoiding paying for mobility. DC on Foot, Assault Terminators on Foot with Corbulo, etc etc.


It didn't end up working too well, since the theory required the opponent to come to me. Versus melee Armies (Nids, Daemons, certain Ork builds) it worked great, but then the 6th Edition meta resolved itself to be shooting-centric and the theory fell apart.


Let us know if you can get it to work--- but for the most part, I would not recommend DC on Foot.

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Yeah you couldn't get them both in the same transport.


One (somewhat silly) way this could work would be with a very large DC squad. you can get up to 30 marines, all with bolters, and with 3+/4++/FNP they'll be near impossible to kill. Just march and shoot across the field. That's 600 points of DC + 215 for Azzy, but it would be a sweet anti-infantry force.

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You could always start Azrael with a cheap unit in a cheap transport, put the DC in another cheap transport, keep them near each other, and have Azrael join them later.


I've thought about having Azrael with DC too. It sounds so awesome. CitadelArmyGuy makes a great point though. If you're facing heavy melee armies, footslogging them together won't be a problem. But if you're facing a heavy shooty/mobile army, then it could be bad. And the mission type could also work for or against you depending.


If you do footslog, I think TheSauce is right in advising a large # of DC, otherwise you might not have very many guys left by the time you reach something worth assaulting.

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