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For the Iron Thane!


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Greetings, Battle-Brothers!

Fireant here, a hobbyist from the cold and harsh land of Poland, arrived in this place as soon as he joined the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes with his newfound project to build two armies - Sons of Medusa, Atropos War Clan for the loyalist forces and the insidious Fleshcrafters Slaaneshii Warband for the despicable traitors. I am relatively fresh in the hobby, barely a decade and a bit passed since I first grabbed a miniature in my hands, and with more or less enthusiasm through this time I played, gathered armies for many different systems but through all this time remained adamantly faithful to my one true, geeky love for Warhammer and everything this universe brings.

Currently collecting:

Warhammer 40k - Tau Empire (main force so far with a whole army, in dire need of repainting); Space Marines (just began the project); Chaos Space Marines (like with the loyalists, a fresh start).

Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Ogres Kingdoms (main force so far, but more of a collection than legit army), The Empire (growing every month!)

Infinity - Nomads (small force, sadly!) and Combined Army (main force, quite a collection of models.)

Dystopian Wars - Starters for Empire of the Blazing Sun, Republique of France and Covenant of Antarctica (which will grow into my main force.)

Warmachine - The Searforge Commission / Hordes - The Blindwater Congregation

I am, sadly, a very slow painter but I took some extra time lately to fix that and for quite a few days I paint a bit every single day, so I hope I can show a lot of miniatures here every week or so msn-wink.gif

For the hobby activities I also run a Polish blog about wargaming in general - Fireant.pl and a workshop little blog to store all my most current projects and works - the link is in the singature.

I think that will do for an introduction, hope to have a great time here in B&C!

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