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So I wanted to share a unit that I've had a fair bit of luck with lately:


5 Chaos Terminators: 5 Combi-plasmas, 1 Power Sword, 1 Chain Fist


Occasionally, I throw on VoTLW, if I have the 15 points to spare.  This unit is under 200 points and has paid for itself just about every time.


Has anyone else had any luck with some similar units?

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That does look good, though I admit I would usually put mark of Tzeentch on them :P  I'm also interested in what power weapons you give them, I'd be tempted to give them a mix of power axes and mauls, possibly dropping the combi plasma on one and giving him a pair of lightning claws. What kind of units have you been using them against?

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I have been using a unit like that. I gave them a chainfist, 2 mauls and 2 axes. 


I think they have played a useful role so far and alleviate pressure from my obliterators and marines. I certainly think cheap and cheerful is the way to go with chaos terminators.

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I really like this unit setup. Gonna have to try it out and see if it fits my play style.


As far as odd types of units being run, I sometimes use a large unit of CSMs (14-20 strong) with Mark of Khorne, Plasmaguns, Icon of Wrath, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, CCW, VotLW and just go to town. When I run them they tend to fair very well, though I have gotten away from it lately with the Daemon allies I have been sporting.

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Quick related question. Assuming I want to take a unit of terminators all with combi plas, the champion has to pay the points out of the wargear list rather than the unit entry as he is not a 'chaos terminator', am I correct?

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Quick related question. Assuming I want to take a unit of terminators all with combi plas, the champion has to pay the points out of the wargear list rather than the unit entry as he is not a 'chaos terminator', am I correct?


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This is crazy... but units of 10 maybe?

Obviously only in bigger games, but either a nice 10 man unit, or 2 smaller units would be a serious problem for your opponent, as with their firepower they would be dangerous to pretty much everything.

I'm just sad I gave 2 of my terminators reaper autocannon, is it so hard for GW to make it decent and not horribly overcosted?

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10 are too big . you could run something like this.

2x8 termis




2x20 cultists

1x5csm plasma gun


kind of a brutal if you roll 2+ on number of infiltrating units , there is no chooser , not too many drop pods/necron gunlines/IG carparks/av13-14 builds and go first.

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you walk. LR are crap for chaos and puting <5 non SS armed terminators in to one is a lot less efficient then puting the same points in to extra terminators.


ah and if your looking for a good army , then no non of the elite choices are worth taking before you max out FA/hvy and troops and if you do max out those your hiting over2k+points and get double FA/Hvy slots to fill up before you can think about elites.

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So do you guys just walk up the field? stick to cover? deepstrike? LR? I haven't had much luck with walking terminators in other armies, but maybe I should give it a go again. 

Remember, a 5++ save is the same as the cover save you would normally get in 6th. If your opponent has the correct tools to gun down Teq, you aren't any more safe in cover (unless, obviously, you are breaking LOS completely or have some 4+ or better terrain on the table) so you may as well march in a flying V down the field :)

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I deploy my plasmanators based on my opponent.  If I need to castle up against them (like against nid big bugs), then I deploy them with the rest of my army, but if my enemy has a lot of anti TEQ firepower, then I'll reserve them so they aren't hurt before they deliver their payload.

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