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Most use of Heresy Era Emperor's Children


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Hi all. So recently I have started collecting a Pre-Heresy era Emperor's Children army. This is going to be kind of a side project for me and I haven't gotten on Forums really before but I found this section here looking for ideas and feel at home when it comes to getting my Emperor's Children started. 


But I am having some trouble with how to go about getting the most out of my Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children. See, I love the models and want to theme them as such but no one plays 'Betrayal' in my area (I live in Hawaii so my options for opponents are limited). I want to have them be used in a 40K Chaos Space Marines army list but without nearly all the corruption. 


And that's the problem I am running into. Sure, I could just 'say' they are recently turned but I like to go for look and originality. This is going to be a huge undertaking regardless and a long, big project nonetheless but I am down to see it through...just how...


So ideas right now are to defiantly as of now make these guys 'clean', Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children. But leaving the right shoulder pad unglued on. The idea here is to get some chaotic shoulder pads, maybe shoulder pads with what looks like skin placed over, for switching out between Pre-Heresy and 40K Chaos Space Marines.


The other idea is having select models, like champions of squads and obviously unit selections from Chaos Space Marines, being clearly chaotic (IE from GW Chaos Space Marines). Thinking in the future having two separate Chosen choices, one clearly chaotic and embracing Slaanesh for 40K and the other clean and regal for Pre-Heresy. The core Troop choices would stay the Pre-Heresy models.


Sorry for the post seeming kind of jumbled but just looking for ideas from the bigger world on how to go about this. Thanks ahead of time for suggestions!

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The first thing that comes to mind is the NM upgrade pack, there you get some nifty stuff like unusual streamlined heads, a torso with stretched skin and a power sword arm with a skinned face over the shoulder. In that you also get one Blast master and one sonic blaster and a backpack which screams Slaanesh, which can be used when you have taken the full leap to a monogod army.  :)


You could also always play Emperors children as ordinary Sapce marines or other codex, when doing the non corrupt ones, and when you want to play chaos just incorporate some minis with mutations, slaanesh banners etc. etc. The you might also be able to convince your opponents to play against a 30k army list.




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If it was me, I would leave them as they are. The fluff about the warp has stories of ships going missing and reappearing thousands of years later as if nothing happened. Of course the Imperium would not accept them and they would become "Loyal Renegades".


If you ignore the deamonic entries of the CSM codex it should be able to represent a renegade force. Or the space marine codex if you want some loyalist stuff.

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