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Assembly opinions for Sanguinary Priests and Guard


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Saguinary Priest


When assembling the Sanguinay Priest do you place a BP, CS, or PS in the left arm? Do you magnetize the arm for different loadouts? I a lacking left arm PSs currently so I was thinking of just adding a CS. If there is only a BP or a CS, would the WYSIWYG lawyers deny you the PS upgrade of it was purchased in a list?


Sanguinary Guard


If you fully assemble the models is there any difficulty in painting the models? 


I believe magnetizing one to hold either the GE or PF is good and maybe 1 or 2 more to hold either normal ranged weapon or special ranged weapon. Besides magnetizing the arm joint, is there enough support to magnetize just the hand holding the weapon. I would use a 1/16 x 1/32 magnet, really small.


Opinions and thoughts help me a lot.








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For the sanguinary guard, I would paint the wings and 3 of the 5 weapons separately (the ones that hold their weapons in front of their chest). For the ranged weapons, I believe that the arm and gun are one piece, so the easiest way would be to magnetize the entire arm. I don't know if you have any spare hands though, I suggest just assembling one IP, you rarely kit them out more than that anway.

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I've actually magnetized my priest's arm.  I used a bit of greenstuff to put on the shoulderpad, put a magnet in there, and then chopped the arm off at about mid-bicep and put the other magnet there.  That way I can have a chainsword, lightning claw, or power axe as I choose, without needing to change shoulderpad.  (plus it lets me pose the arm to look cool :) )


As for the guard, I didn't bother magnetizing them, though I generally use the same loadout.  Painting them wasn't really an issue, even fully assembled, though you might want to paint the jump packs/wings separately and glue them on last.

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I magnetized my SPs right arm with a 1/8 magnet. This is a sturdy hold and fits nicely. I would only ever consider arming him with either the bolt pistol (base) or a power weapon. However, I have spare IPs and PFs and such painted that i can use from my squad sergeants.


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