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Secondary HQ'S for Thousand sons

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Okay, so we need to take Ahriman or a Tzeentch Sorcerer to get or rubrics as troops, but after that, what do you take for your second HQ, if any?

In the past I've run multiple Power armoured sorcerers, occasionally a terminator one, but have recently beeen thinking of Lords and warpsmiths, possibly with scrolls of Magnus, what do you think and take yourself?

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Rune Priest Ridcully, on 15 Mar 2013 - 00:35, said:

How did you find the warpsmith?

Fun. ^^ I run (her) with the Scrolls, Aura, Mark of Tz and the Murder Sword and use her as a support-assassin type character to mess up enemy tanks and get Slay the Warlord with the murder sword. Since she has an axe and a gajillion attacks she's not too shabby against TEq either.
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Ahriman's lieutenant was always just another level 3 sorcerer on foot leading more rubrics for me until I read about putting a sorcerer on a disc of Tzeentch and giving him the scrolls of Magnus. Not only does that look even better, fit the fluff better by having relics from the primarch but it's badass good as well!

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A small unit of horrors is cheap and better camping an objective at the back than cultists imo, only one has to expose himself to enemy fire in order to shoot. They don't break from shooting casualties.


Lord of Change is awesome in combat and I don't mind as much if he gets killed as he is not the Warlord.


Imo a Soulgrinder is way better than all of the CSM walkers, armour 13 is a huge difference.


Screamers and Flamers are kind of meh now, though screamers could be good for linebreaker and dealing with enemy tanks at the back of the board.

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