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Dark Angels Allies


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When the new DA codex came out I thought it had some pretty cool stuff. After playing a few games with them (it just so happens all of my BA figs are DA models) I went back to my beloved BA. Then I had an idea.



Furioso Libby up grade

Furioso Libby up grade

RAS, Lightning Claw, Plasma gun, Razorback with TLAC

RAS, Lightning Claw, Plasma gun, Razorback with TLAC


Vindicator with Dozer blade


DA Libby with Power Field Generator

DA Tac Sq, Combi-Plasma, Plasma gun, Razorback with Lascannon/TLPG


The DA Libby goes in the Razorback with the DA Tac Sq and all of the BA cluster around it and benefit from the PFG. I've only played two games with it but have won both. Saturday is my local shops monthly tourney and 1500 pt team affair. Feed back is most welcome.

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Nop, the powerfield works in a bubble. You are confusing it with Azraels helmet msn-wink.gif

Therefore once mounted in a vehicle it extends from the hull, we tend to mount them into crusaders too, been carried by techmarines. More resilience, repairs and larger bubble biggrin.png

The 'problem' is that its better used in a gunline cause once close the enemy benefits as well.

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It is clumped for the first turn or two, and indeed multiple large blast templets will cause multiple hits. I think with a 4++ this is no worse than an unprotected army that is deployed in line. This is a very fast force that will quickly get into close combat where careful placement of the DA component will still give protection to at least part of the large based BA force without aiding the bad guys. Really the Power Field Generator is there to allow Mephy and the two Libby Furiosos to get into close combat.


I am still trying to decide which second power to take for the Furiosos after Wings. Do I give them a shooting power or make them even more effective in close combat?

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But that's what I'm saying, right? Azraels helmet is 4++ to a unit, the powerfield is 3" but only affects models?

If so that's one big mess of clumped together units.

Sorry, I read it the other way around biggrin.png

Just adding my chips that you can mount the field and extend it from the hull of a vehicle. That will help.

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Seen it done with 2 Land Raiders at a tourney its certainly a problem for your opponent but sooner or later the units have to split up.  The field generator trick works best with a a combo of BA/DA we get the LR's as a dedicated vehicle and jumpers screening it makes it hard to get to.

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