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Zeal is it's own reward, repenting


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  • 4 months later...

I failed us brothers, I snapped like a twig and I failed us, I bear shame to the name of the Templars. (had a burn out, paint + depression do not mix well right after ETL kicked off).

I shall repent by painting them all... no mercy no respite, can someone point me in the direction of the badge of shame... I need it.


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I failed us brothers, I snapped like a twig and I failed us, I bear shame to the name of the Templars. (had a burn out, paint + depression do not mix well right after ETL kicked off).

I shall repent by painting them all... no mercy no respite, can someone point me in the direction of the badge of shame... I need it.


@Tekman - Here you go just scroll down to the bottom for the Oathbreaker badge.




You only have to wear it until the end of the year anyway.


Edit: Typo and commiserations.

Edited by Scion of Ferrus
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I think you've done a great job so far and the blue you've selected really works with your metallics. Just keep plugging away and you'll get there.


We've all stumbled and fallen.


"That's how you learn how to pick yourself back up" - Bruce Wayne's Dad, M2

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  • 3 weeks later...

We now return to our regular schedule of Black and White marines.

Please hold as we burn heretics, witches and xenos.




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  • 4 months later...

Brothers, I bring redeployment.






Next the Leviathan and I shall do battle, the side projects have dried out and the black screams for me. when is the ETL, I bristle with paint.


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Woah ...


Are there unpainted models in the case or are they intentionally grey?

Some are unpainted others are reprimed grey for a pallet swap. Currently 60-65% of my collection is painted. Essentially every side project (custodes, tau, rowboat, deathwatch) are now all done so I'm cracking down on black and yellow.


Starting a new job in April so I'm using up my spare holidays.

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The clown is done, next up self loathing and more black paint.









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