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The Greywolfe has returned

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Greetings and well met to you all, after many long years away I have returned to the forums (Hmmm, smells too clean here or is that just me).


If you cannot tell from my name, I am indeed a space wolf player, a rather long in the tooth one (damn whelps, you dont know how easy you have it with your "one codex to buy" and your "15pt grey hunters with pistol and bolter with your chainsword") despite what my age would tell you.


Still, Space Wolves were my first army and they along with my Guardsmen (airborne, pah, you green recrutes have it so easy with your "Valkyrie plastic kits" and your "Order system" and dont get me started on...oh wait I already did this sketch) have brought me back to the hobby, and just in time with 6th edition still riding on the new hill somewhat. So yes, I have returned and *Jingles keys* I have the keys for the original beer raider, who wants to go for a spin?

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