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New Space Marine Player Here

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Hello and Welcome!


Just getting back into the hobby after a long break, I am a painter (lazy one), converter (new one) and collector (old one)... I have collected various parts of armies including; Skaven, High Elf (was trying to get my ex girlfriend into the hobby) , Necrons, Tyranids (same with the High Elf, was for her, i dislike Nids) and now i am on Space Marine,...


My plan is to actually start playing the game as well as forming my own Space Marine Chapter, write a bit of fluff and rule the tables of Poole in Dorset...


Erm can't think of any thing else to say so... Hey ya'll hope you can give me some constructive criticism and what have you


Many Thanks



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Ah yes, been reading the Liber and the DIY sections, quite a lot of good points that i may or may not listen to cause i'm weird like that,..


I am leaning towards a Raven Guard Gene-Seed descendant... but i kinda want Pimp Daddy Calgar heading my Army, of course i plan on overhauling him, removing any dissemblance of Ultramarine Iconography (A lot of horrid work entails with the fine cast)


Thank you for the welcome



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Nothing wrong with having mister happy slappy leading yoru force. Even a stealthy chapter needs something to hit like a tonne of bricks on occasion.


Also welcome to the forums, the served me well in the past and I hope they will do again.

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Actually I plan on not going full codex battle doctrine for my army as I plan on Terminators and Predators... in fact only the Scout Division of my army (My 200 pts Kill Team) will follow the "Fathers" Battle ideas...


I just don't feel i could uphold the honour, courage and epic war chants of UltraSmurfs 

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