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Which allied ordinance for my iron warriors ?

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So you're suggesting 1 Griffon with 2 Basilisks would make a good heavy support choice for IG allies? Do they fire as a Barrage then? How does the Griffon have a more accurate chance to hit? I don't have the guard rules yet.

Yes - the Griffon has the "Accurate Bombardment" special rule that means you can reroll the scatter die. Because all three weapons have the Barrage special rule, that means they fore as a Multiple Barrage - you place on template, then place the other two templates adjacent to it in a direction indicated by a scatter die. Griffons also have a minimum range of just 12".

brb, p.14: "Barrage weapons can fire indirectly. This means they can fire at a target that they do not have line of sight to and/or a target that is within the weapn's minimum range (if it has one)."

of course, this is somehow clusterfracked up by the brb FAQ:

Q: When making a Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds

from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within

range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e.

half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half

are not)? (p15)

A: No.

so you can fire (indirectly) at targets within minimum range, but not allocate wounds to them. msn-wink.gif

p.s.: I guess that's why all the artillery tanks get a heavy bolter (no minimum range)

Don't worry, you're over complicating things. Line of Sight wound allocation rules don't apply because the LoS is from the centre of the template. Minimum Range rules don't apply because the Indirect Fire rules specifically state they don't and specific>general.

Or you can use the Griffon's 12" minimum range or, as you say, the Heavy Bolters lack of a minimum range since it's the same model.

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Minimum Range rules don't apply because the Indirect Fire rules specifically state they don't and specific>general.


Or you can use the Griffon's 12" minimum range or, as you say, the Heavy Bolters lack of a minimum range since it's the same model.

you mean p. 33: "In these cases [scatter beyond range/LOS], hits are worked out as normal and can hit and wound models out of range and line of sight."


it is indeed overcomlicating (because it only applies when none of the tanks in the unit have any heavy bolters left), but technically, "as normal" here means "as in the FAQ" and it's not really clear whether "can wound" means the roll to wound or the allocation of an (unsaved) wound.

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Just to throw out another alternative, albeit one heavily dependent upon your group, you may want to give the Renegades and Heretics list a look.  You can take artillery carriages for your heavy support which are artillery units with mortal crew (although at T7, you could easily justify daemonic crew) and have a more Iron Warrior (at least Storm of Iron) flavored Worker Rabble that you can easily envision being proded into the enemy by their post human masters.  Maybe even toss in some Ogryn Berserkers to be proded alongside them.  Alternatively you could also look to the Armored Battlegroup and rock out on tanks like a boss.

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Minimum Range rules don't apply because the Indirect Fire rules specifically state they don't and specific>general.


Or you can use the Griffon's 12" minimum range or, as you say, the Heavy Bolters lack of a minimum range since it's the same model.

you mean p. 33: "In these cases [scatter beyond range/LOS], hits are worked out as normal and can hit and wound models out of range and line of sight."


it is indeed overcomlicating (because it only applies when none of the tanks in the unit have any heavy bolters left), but technically, "as normal" here means "as in the FAQ" and it's not really clear whether "can wound" means the roll to wound or the allocation of an (unsaved) wound.


"Can wound" means "can wound". In order to wound, you need to A) be allowed to allocate a wound, and B) be able to roll to wound. Therefore, you you "can wound" something, both are true.

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I play IW aswell and was planning on running three Griffons. The idea was a HQ w/ mortar, 2 INF PLTs each w/ 2 squads w/mortars and one HVY Weapon Squad w/mortars, it came out to about 400pts. The concept behind it was use the mass squad rule to make 20 man units and have them camp on objectives. All the mortars would cause a boat load of pinning checks. Thats my two cents.

Correction, the HVY Weapon Squad was not part of the 400pts. Just wanted to make that correction. Also, I thought that the vechiles had to be of the same type to count as one HVY choice.

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I play IW aswell and was planning on running three Griffons. The idea was a HQ w/ mortar, 2 INF PLTs each w/ 2 squads w/mortars and one HVY Weapon Squad w/mortars, it came out to about 400pts. The concept behind it was use the mass squad rule to make 20 man units and have them camp on objectives. All the mortars would cause a boat load of pinning checks. Thats my two cents.

Correction, the HVY Weapon Squad was not part of the 400pts. Just wanted to make that correction. Also, I thought that the vechiles had to be of the same type to count as one HVY choice.

Page 103 IG Codex: "Ordnance battery: Composition: Vehicle squadron composed of 1-3 of the following tanks, in any combination:"

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