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allied transports


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so i'm fairly sure that even if my allies are battle brothers i cannot get n their vehicles but i just want to check. 


example: i have a servants of decay allied section. my lord joins a unit of renegades, may this whole unit now get into the servants of decay's chimera? 


in the same example could the unit get in a rhino as both codexes contain rhinos. 

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Hmmm, you could argue that an IC that joins a unit becomes part of that unit, and only a single unit may enter a transport at any time, meaning a Battle Brother IC could enter an allied transport as long as he had joined a unit that can enter the transport. But he would not be able to enter the unit on his own.


But the rules only say "not even Battle Brothers can embark in allied transport vehicles", which makes me think that the presence of the allied IC would make the whole unit unable to embark, as the entire unit must be able to embark if they are to embark (like if your lord was on a Bike, he would prevent the unit embarking if he still wanted to be joined to the unit).

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oh let is not go that way , because we end up finding out stuff like HQ being separate units only at very distinct times [melee for example] and suddenly the "cant enter ally transports" rule makes no sense at all [because it is not working , there are no ally or non ally units durning deployment or entering/exiting transports].

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