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little report on a 2.5k game


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yesterday i played a game against a friend, he is going to play in the adepticon gladiators event and needed a bit of practice. he played a nurgle demon list with that big, ugly apoc great unclean one, kugath, epidemius, a soul grinder, a bunch of plague bearers with some heralds, a flying nurgle demon prince and an aegis line with a flakk lascannon.


i pulled out my BA to give him a good fight and used some space marine allies. i knew it would be nigh impossible to kill that apoc monster so i decided to concentrate on killing the rest of his stuff and go for objectives.


here my list:


epistolary with prescience and misfortune


2 sang priests, one with JP and PW


tac squad with PG and HB, sarge with power maul

assault squad with MG, flamer and sarge with IP and power sword

dev squad, 3x ML, 1x LC

8 DC with power axe, power sword and 2x power fist

DC dread with blood talons and HF

storm raven with TLLC, TLMM

2x land speeder typhoon


marine allies:


captain Ajax (Lysander)

10 stern guard in a drop pod

5 sniper scouts with ML and cloaks

tech marine with thunder fire cannon



it all went pretty much by plan, i was more mobile and had more long range shooting power to keep the rest of his army in check and the big demon was being ignored, he killed like 200 points worth of stuff. Ajax beat up his demon prince, DC and DC dread killed Kugath after he had been hammers by krack missiles and after that the storm raven re deployed the DC so they could take out the soul grinder.

Best unit of the game though was the thunder fire cannon.

with the libby giving re rolls to hit and by casting misfortune on the taget unit it wiped out a whole unit of 10+ plague bearers in one round of shooting and the rounds that ignore cover were a general PITA for the shrouded nurgle demons. I just love that thing and will prolly make it a regular feature in my army.

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