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bioshock question


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I believe Rapture itself would be a haven for both Slaanesh and Tzeentch followers, if we were to take it into that perspective.


Andrew Ryan created Rapture for two very distinct reason, each of those particular reasons aligning themselves with a different God. The first was to promote change, evolution of mankind and progress into something greater. It was Ryan's desire to ensure that people's thirst for knowledge and their genius minds were left unhindered. On the other hand, it was also created to escape the moral boundaries of common civil law. The pursuit of art and pleasure, perfection itself was a very common thing seen in Rapture. But to a degree, that was a simple side effect of the first reason.


To that end, I would say that Rapture was originally intended to be a place of Tzeentch worship, power through progress and such, but gentlemen like Fontaine allowed Slaanesh to seep its way into the hearts of the people and their twisted hedonistic desires led them down the dark and twisted road to what we now call Splicers. Nurgle and Khorne are also splashed around here and there in the wake of this spiritual breakdown but ultimately it comes down to Tzeentch and Slaanesh.

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I dunno, tax evasion seems pretty Tzeechian to me.  And look at where all his careful plotting got him!


Of course, the Chaos god MOST influential in the city would have to be Khorne.  I mean you don't actually TAKE anyone's skulls but 90% of it is just wasting fools.

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I am pretty sure most of the common splicers are more about Nurgle or Khorne than Slaanesh or Tzeentch (although most of the high-profile villains are pretty Tzeentchian). After all, violence and despair are what slicers are all about!

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