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Flesh Tearer colour schemes


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Thinking about having a few Flesh Tearers in my Blood Angels army, but do they follow the colours of the blood Angels? Ie yellow helmets for assault Marines and so on. Im thinking of building a priest in terminator armour, but i cant get a good colour scheme to work? Rather then a white helmet, just keep it the maroon and black, any thoughts?

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Well the issue with the Flesh Tearers is they're different at this point..


As i always say its your army do what you want....




Fluff wise. I don't think they really do follow the same color schedule do to the fact that there's so few of them left. The FT's have to follow a more flexible battle pattern because i think there's only four companies left. So they fill whatever need at the time. If you need assault marines they put on jump packs same with heavies and stuff like that.


I dont know where i read that for sure though.. I also personally don't think the FT's would have golden honor guard.. they're pretty against the embellishment the rest of the BA successors have.  I was going to do them as regular jump infantry.. with big evicerator swords..and like.. a golden chalice on their belt to dictate their status (i think Nox had some think like that in one of the books - he was honor guard though.



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BA Codex pg.80

"The Successor Chapters invariably maintain a Sanguinary Guard and Death Company of their own, following the same colour schemes as those laid down by the Blood Angels.  The only exception are the Angels Encarmine who adorn both these specialist units in alabaster white armour."

So yes, I believe fluff wise, the DC and SG look the same for the Flesh Tearers.  But you are right on the button for the heavy support/fast attack etc...  Honour Guard being a different unit than SG, would still look like the rest of their brothers, with black helmets, back packs and shoulders.  Their chapter has become so diminished that as you say, are called upon to fit any role at any given time.

It is up to you how you paint them though.  For the SG, I would consider making the wings black instead of white, to make them stand out as more Flesh Tearers, while still keeping to the BA colour scheme.  You could even just proxy in some beastly two handed chain swords in place of the glaive encarmine as well.

About 10 years ago, I actually made all my Death Companies chain swords modeled like a 'Darth Maul' style light saber, or cut two chain swords in half and glued them together to make a slightly wider, beefier chain sword.

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Nearly all battle-brothers of the Flesh Tearers are close to veteran status compared to other chapters, and because of their low numbers they are required to fill any role on the battlefield. But this is "todays" Flesh Tearers, yours might be from M39 or whatever time the chapter was near full strength. Back then they might have had marks for their specific role. In one of James Swallow's Blood Angel books it's mentioned that Seth's Honor Guard wears golden helmets, but that might not be canon because Seth is described as having a badly scarred face(see my pic) and wearing plain unornamented armor, contrary to the miniature GW later released. I haven't found any info about how their sanguinary priests are marked out but I painted mine with inverted shoulder pads(black sawblade with white background) and I think that fits the 'Tearers. But I think you should paint them how you like, since they deviate from the codex astartes. Your made-up captain might have wanted all his assault marines to have yellow helmets to honour their parent-chapter. It's up to you :)

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