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Pax Vobiscum

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Hello people...

Firstly, I must apolgise for doing this rather arse-about-face because I joined last night and went straight to replying in a topic! So... I'm now doing this properly.


I've been gaming and collecting Warhammer 40K since it's inception in 1987 and I'm proud of the fact that I still have my original army that I bought those 26 years ago and it's very old school. I suppose in today's ideals it's a Heresey army... or JUST post heresey... either way it's old. smile.png

I don't know how often I'll be able to get on as my job can sometimes dominate all my time- but I'll try and get on and post as often as I can, and I'm looking forward to making new friends and sharing great ideas. I'm based in the Northwest of the U.K.

Veteran Captain

(Pax Vobiscum is a medieval latin greeting meaning "peace be with you".) smile.png

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