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Furioso WiP


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Hi all,


Thought I'd throw a brief post on here to show some work on my new Furioso model.

I'm off to WW for Throne of Skulls at the weekend with my Angels Sanguine. I added a twin-fisted Furioso to my list for this visit to the tournament and got busy converting one up:



Then, two nights ago, I wondered why the flip I hadn't given him a single fist and frag cannon?? Problem was that I'd converted him to have the heavy flamer on his right arm...where the frag cannon would usually sit. So, I chopped up a frag cannon and a libby dread arm and got this:




Leftie frag cannon!


Got it base coated tonight and started detailing the rest of the dread. I doubt I'll be 100% finished by Friday but they'll be fine for tabletop. I'll post something before then though if I have time along with the rest of the force I'm taking.


(Apologies if the giant pictures frightened anyone - I'll have to learn to re-size!)

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Thanks guys for the kind words. Sory for the slow response, I've been using my only fragments of spare time (not much) to get paint on models ready for Throne of Skulls tomorrow!

It's now just gone 3:09am and I've finally stopped. The paint is at a 'minimum' standard I'm happy to use for a painted tournament, but they're looking OK for this weekend. Hopefully I'll maintain my enthusiasm and do me owrk on the models once I'm back from having my arse kiicked!


Here's Mr Furioso now:




And also the full army I'm about to pack up (excuse the messy background):



I might shift these models to the WiP thread once I'm back. If so, I'll post a link in here. See y'all after ToS

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