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What are the best allies for CSM?


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If you ally in daemons, you can avoid the annoying rolls that are associated with "primary detatchment". I think that's reason enough to say that daemons don't work better without us.

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If you ally in daemons, you can avoid the annoying rolls that are associated with "primary detatchment". I think that's reason enough to say that daemons don't work better without us.

so if you ally them to guard, they keep rolling?

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No. Let me be a bit more clear. Daemons work better when not used as a primary detatchment. That doesn't mean that they work best with csm, but simply that they work better with csm. Guard may very well be the ideal primary detatchment for daemons. I think it is quite well accepted that the legacy codices are more powerful than current ones... just look at how amazing daemons were before their new codex.

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daemons were amazing only for the very short time the moneygrab WD rules were legal. 


The point remains: whatever you ally to CSM, it's more effectively allied elsewhere.

And that's not the point of the topic, so what say we drop that line of arguement, ok?

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daemons were amazing only for the very short time the moneygrab WD rules were legal. 


The point remains: whatever you ally to CSM, it's more effectively allied elsewhere.

If the title of the topic were, "what ally combo is best in WH40K,"  or, "why the CSM codex is fail," your post wouldn't be irrelevant whining.

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It still puzzles me how anyone could ally with necrons fluffwise, but yeah I have to say demons are fun and actually good at filling those gaps in the Chaos army.

Its sad to see being new to choas how everyone just whines and moans :(

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It still puzzles me how anyone could ally with necrons fluffwise, but yeah I have to say demons are fun and actually good at filling those gaps in the Chaos army.

Its sad to see being new to choas how everyone just whines and moans sad.png

This? This is nothing. You should have been here for the Gav/Allessio codex...

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Tau are pretty good.  Kroot can fulfill cultist duties (lacking flame throwers or zombification), however they can get sniper rounds, which 20 guys with sniper rifles-6s are going to come up.


Pulse rifle Firewarriors can reach out and touch enemies and hold objectives while you take care of business advancing.


3x Crisis suits with a commander with the Puretide Engram chip will grant them Tank or Monster hunters, give them all 2x missile pods and you got 4 mobile Rifleman Dreds equivalents.


Of course you could also take a Riptide aka your deepstrike insurance policy.  Melta Sternguard in a pod?  Give those sons of Girlyman a Nova charged C4 Sammich as they arrive.


Advancing max team firewarriors with pulse rifles can soften up enemy units for Close Combat armies.  Not to mention people don't think about Tau assaulting, but give Firewarriors or Pathfinders EMP grenades and you can take out Landraiders in assault with them so that your something nasty (Terminators, Khârn, Abaddon...or all of them together) can join in the fray.

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Tau are pretty good.  Kroot can fulfill cultist duties (lacking flame throwers or zombification), however they can get sniper rounds, which 20 guys with sniper rifles-6s are going to come up.


Pulse rifle Firewarriors can reach out and touch enemies and hold objectives while you take care of business advancing.


3x Crisis suits with a commander with the Puretide Engram chip will grant them Tank or Monster hunters, give them all 2x missile pods and you got 4 mobile Rifleman Dreds equivalents.


Of course you could also take a Riptide aka your deepstrike insurance policy.  Melta Sternguard in a pod?  Give those sons of Girlyman a Nova charged C4 Sammich as they arrive.


Advancing max team firewarriors with pulse rifles can soften up enemy units for Close Combat armies.  Not to mention people don't think about Tau assaulting, but give Firewarriors or Pathfinders EMP grenades and you can take out Landraiders in assault with them so that your something nasty (Terminators, Khârn, Abaddon...or all of them together) can join in the fray.


Don't forget that pulse carbines are Pinning, something we're sorely lacking in our own codex. A unit of Firewarriors or Pathfinders tailing your assault units has a chance of getting rid of enemy overwatch, something we currently need to rely on a very lucky Warptalon deepstrike to accomplish. Once you boys are in combat, the Tau unit can stand by and fire Overwatch at anyone who tries to join in.

Rail rifles are now Rapid Fire, so Pathfinders can keep moving and firing at those tough units we'd need to direct our plasma at, like Wraithguard. Put Darkstrider in the unit and you can start hunting Wraithlords ... well, you'll wound them on 5+ with your rail rifles, but if you can get close enough you can throw 6 S6 AP1 shots at the buggers, while dropping the target to T7. Sure, you'll need a lot of luck for your rolls, but it will still give your opponent some concern.

Another benfit to taking Darkstrider as back-up for your assault units is that if your do get a chance to fire Overwatch at any enemies trying to come to their mates' rescue, you can immediately fall back D6" in case another unit decides they'd like to lay into your Tau buddies. Or they can fire Overwatch and retreat from anyone who tries to ignore your assault lads and pick on the easy unit behind them, leaving that unit unable to get involved in the existing combat because they've already declared their charge target.

A drone with a pulse accelerator will give your Pathfinders the range of a bolter, but at +1S and Pinning, making up for them having lower BS than your marine squads. You can even have everyone fire their markerlights at enemy fliers, at least one should hit, and you can improve the chances of any other allied Tau unit, such as Broadsides, being able to blow them out of the sky.


And let's not forget Farsight. That guy is a melee beast (well, for a Tau anyway) who embaresses our Lords, with 4 WS5 S5 AP2 attacks at I5. He's the equivalent of a Lord with a poweraxe, but not suffering from Unwieldy. He can also take an 8-man bodyguard team to soak up a hell of a lot of wounds for him.


I think I might have to corrupt some Tau and lead them away from the Greater Good. They'd probably look pretty cool painted to match my Iron Warriors and covered with Chaos insignia. Maybe they hired my boys as mercs or mistook them for Imperials and then were exposed to a tech-virus, which corrupted their neural implants and wiped their minds, leaving them open to mental reconditioning. Or maybe they witnessed some Obliterators in battle and assumed it was some extremely advanced tech they wanted to study, rather than a warp-virus, and ended up being seduced by the promises of dark technology. Man, a Riptide in an Iron Warriors get-up would look pretty sweet, especially with signs of the Obliterator virus setting in.

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