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A couple of quick fan fic questions.

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I just wasn't sure if there was anymore genebulking that went into a scout after he takes the carapace but I think you just answered that.


It's possible tehy do.

I dont' there was ever any clear canonical fact, but given that marines metabolism differs, the gene-seed differrs, the DNA of recruits differ and that even discounting any mutations, we also know marines differ in size.


There fore it is possible that mariens continu to gow. At what rate and to what size is anyones guess, but 7feet is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM size for a marine.


I remeber this image, don't know how accuate it is:



Also, Space Mariens are super-accurate. I don't think they'll have much trouble headshotting Ogryins.

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It would also depend on if these Ogryn were corrupted (did you say something about chaos? I think you might have, can't remember).


An enraged Ogryn is dangerous enough. But if it has succumbed to the warp, then the threat they present is multiplied exponentially. Especially if - Emperor Forbid - they were corrupted by the influence of Nurgle.

Also, are any of the Ogryn Bone 'eads? That might make a difference as well.



Also, as a side note, while Carapace is better at protecting against las-fire and solid impacts, Flak armor is surprisingly more effective against shrapnel and low velocity projectile weapons, such as shotguns.

Chaos marines are the root cause of the conflict but the Ogryn in question are mining slaves who are fighting for the traitors out of stupidity rather than because they are corrupted.

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Mass certainly accounts for a lot but speed is more important during a charge. I envision Astartes thinning out as many Ogryns as possible with headshots and then charging themselves. An Astartes in full plate is heavy. An Astartes in full plate running with vastly superior speed to a Ogyrn is going to do just as much damage as that Ogryn will.


How do you think runningbacks, who weigh less than linebackers and defensive linemen, are able to run said defensive players over, literally.

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the running back analogy is a bit general, but i understand what your trying to get at.  Still 7 astartes in war plate charging a stampede of ogryns is not a good idea the ogryns have wayyyy more mass, and the astartes will more than likely get stuck, separated how well they account for themselves depends on a varying amount of factors chief among them how many ogryns in this stampede.


If the Ogryns are already in stampede they are already at full sprint and astartes counter charge would probably bring them both to a stalemate of granite hard flesh and ceramite.  But, i believe a counter charge would be the last option range is their greatest advantage.  Firing, falling back, and firing again to thin the stampede out until they are left with no choice but to charge and meet them hand to hand.

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Youd need a significant number. Ogryns are packed full of muscle and the areas of their body that dont have muscle more than likely have fat. Shrapnel can only cut through so many layers. If you had plasma grenades it might work.

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